What will happen to Pl0tCh0t
Toph_ [#6]Nothing… they sucked at kickoff just a fact
what if apac other teams also good and international teams bad
Ryandr [#7]Can't see g2 losing with the map ban advantage. Also edg hasn't looked great today. And t1 map pool is concerning against team like g2.
thats why i put "what if"
hehe444 [#10]what if apac other teams also good and international teams bad
Nothing to do with comparison to regional teams? T1’s calling was abysmal they were making way too many mistakes and against teams they shouldn’t be the level of play for apac was generally low.
Toph_ [#13]Nothing to do with comparison to regional teams? T1’s calling was abysmal they were making way too many mistakes and against teams they shouldn’t be the level of play for apac was generally low.
Apac play always muddy valorant bro. it's a rank server thing. people think they are bad because of that
taejuny [#2]Placing them at 8 loll
Tbf T1 look a lot better than kickoff but it’ll still be funny
Sylvan effect
Ryandr [#7]Can't see g2 losing with the map ban advantage. Also edg hasn't looked great today. And t1 map pool is concerning against team like g2.
I thought the same for SEN last year when GENG banned Sunset and Lotus and hard anti- strated SEN's split and also had Breeze, Ascent and Icebox in the 5 maps to be played which were terrible maps for SEN.
hehe444 [#14]Apac play always muddy valorant bro. it's a rank server thing. people think they are bad because of that
That’s mean to be a good thing? They still overall just played better than they did at kickoff.