uwukitten [#2]carpe was looking like their best player 😭poor guy still getting flamed somehow
i must be blind
carpe was ass 🤔
Astar [#6]he's still just an utility guy. the only reason t1 isnt a complete superteam
not every team needs to be a "superteam"
Sylvan fits this team nicely
Astar [#6]he's still just an utility guy. the only reason t1 isnt a complete superteam
You don't need to be a superteam to win though
Astar [#6]he's still just an utility guy. the only reason t1 isnt a complete superteam
flair check.
sussybaka [#9]should be grateful that throw1 still made it to Bangkok despite playing with a stand-in.
Yeah, DRX was embarassing, thank god t1 is actually shooting
Astar [#6]he's still just an utility guy. the only reason t1 isnt a complete superteam
They destroyed VIT that is a super team