I've been defending him but he might be the problem 😔. I've never seen Stax call like that when he was on Drx,. He's out of drx and suddenly he's prime fns with the calling, yeah Termi is the problem.
alpine007 [#8]nah bro its not even stax. meteor is js winnign duels and clearing sites by himself on iso
meteor is the tactic. like its not even a joke at this point.
taejuny [#3]Nah bro meteor might be the lakia of valorant they’re just running into stacked sites and meteor is winning aim duels looking like prime shanghai
the lakia of valorant
lakia sucked last year
? ?
alpine007 [#8]nah bro its not even stax. meteor is js winnign duels and clearing sites by himself on iso
Did you not see Stax calling that round tho? Meteor did kill them all but Stax played with them like a fiddle