how many years till he becomes the Faker of valorant
Galactc [#3]At least 4 or 5 he wasn't that great until last year
he was at copenhagen on NTH and one of the best chambers
destroylonely [#4]he already solidified himself as the best korean player alongside mako
but faker level is very hard to achieve
I don't think it's really possible to do, in valorant, what faker did in lol. It's not just about the amount of trophies or the dominance over the years, Faker develloped techs and innovated w his mechanics, which I don't think is really possible in valorant
LowGun [#9]LOL bro does not know ball
Nah I know he was good individually long before then but you have to be on a good team and do that in order to have anything close to faker status and he didn't until last year