They've thrown 5 gun rounds when they were in a man advantage(that includes double fall off too cuz site hit was too strong if they didnt do thaf) and a pistol which counts as 2 (honestly you might even count pistol rounds as 3 or 4 with how ult economy works in this game) and lost 2 thrifties in regulation alone. They also threw 2 advantageous postplants on attack and 2v1 on the last round in overtime. And I didnt even talk about some horrendous 5man rush calls on attack and some overswings on defense.
Sure nats 1v5 ed them on bind, but if they had a some level of awareness and teamplay, or if one of them holds the smoke in the post plant for their life they would win that attack half. Oh man I dont know how to help this roster man, they remind of 2023 Sen, a lot of good players but no chemistry whatsoever. They need to take time of for at least 2 weeks and mentally reset because the team chemistry is the reason teams like EDG and G2 are good right now, its the reason why Sen won Madrid in the 1st place, they cant just play like they would win every aim duel if they wanna win.