How are the bets guys are you eating good today Kekw( For the T1 and trace ones )
1ucid [#4]The live odds are pretty good.and two 2-0's
Favourites losing first pistol is always huge
+£251.31 on the vit series,
Map 1 = £4.47 (£207.19 had t1 won this map)
Map 2 = +£246.84 (wouldve been 339.05 if vitality didnt lose round 5 bad bet on my part i get trigger happy quite frequently on silly bets)
+£62.87 on g2 series
Map 1 = £22.48 (g2 not getting to 3 and 4 rounds first on attack side lorus)
Map 2 =£40,39 (noticeable losses here was trace not getting 5 rounds on attack side abyss)
Regardless a solid day +£314.18 profit for the day
slapped a cheeky £20 on drx 2.45 and £5 Drx x G2 drx odds are still 2.4 so i might chuck a bit more on that tbh