Obone duelist omg we are cooked, idk if I can watch this
who is nova's main duelist?
no-one on the active roster really. CB has played it a few times ig
but guang also play raze on lotus.
just trying to make roles work, GuanG is one of the best senti's in CN
cant believe nova 4v6 still got 5 rounds.
They literally played 3 map and have 3 different soloduelist, on the long term this will be bad, we need automatism T.T
ez for OBZERO
No matter who wins Chichoo is just fckin insane.
I take back for what i said about nova
Nova exposed EDG's ascent weakness damn. Kangkang really always get baited by vyse hgahagha.
everyone exposes edg's ascent "weakness" cos they've always been dog at it
idk about that the current edg's result on ascent is pretty good. So basically all of those previous wins from 2024 is just pure luck?
nope thats vct china
Simon locking in coz he might get benched
I don't like the change of neon for waylay on fracture I loved kangkang with that neon
Yay Back to the cooked roles on Fracture
EDG always insanely overrated in these matchups. They had something like 1.3 odds to win 2-0
holyfk EDG I pick NOVA 2-1 , Why 2-0 brooo
Easy 15x odds for EDG's family members who bet against them prematch 0-2 🤑🤑🤑
EDG is such a konnichiwa ahh team ez for supernova
LFG successful EDG hate watch😋
my pickems noooo
chichoo went from balling against G2 and T1 to bottomfragging vs NOVA
respect nova?
BIG W Nova
Super W for Nova
15x odds i pick NOVA 2-1 FKing EDG CANT 1 MAP
Check EDGs bank account now
Now go cry
Full credit to Nova, they played really well
calm down guys, this game nobody lose
EDG always do this in “stage 1”
S1mon trying his hardest over here.
s1mon fighting for his life 💔
Wtf x8 odds win, if I have money I will 100% bet EDG with much/high money before the match start, thanks God I'm not bet this match
guys i thought edg was good what happened how did they lose to NOVA ESPORTS 😭😭
Paraboy and Order AURA
they'll not get the lore bro
Those beasts🔥
still the best duo of all time in pubgm
I was rolling on the floor laughing when I first saw EDG lose against Nova, then continued laughing on the floor when I saw that S1mon was the only one going +
Bruh Cb and Guang are too good!
s1mon does NOT want to be kicked out
Bruh 0bone needs to go
edg can't even win in ch0na anymore 🤣🤣🤣
holy shit we are in a DOWNFALL
LFG Nova
i just woke up. wh?????‽
please correct cb and o0o0o name,not 王庆川 and 叶晓东,is 王晴川and 叶晓栋