sameer40 [#10]goated user
I love when players remain authentic to their roots, now he just has a generic anime inspired nickname
laeDLaer [#9]onlinetares
Didn't he outclass zywoo on a lan (i know it was a Mickey mouse tier, but still)
should replace magixx as anchor or make him play zont1x's roles and move zont1x to anchor . Magixx is kinda overrated imo he performs once in a blue moon and ppl call him goated . IK anchoring is the hardest fragging role but he should do better . Like even zont1x is secondary caller so I don't see his purpose . Ppl compare him to jimphatt and b1t . Imo he is not even 40% of them . + i think spirit needs to make a decision like within this year or else he will be sold .
BeraJr [#13]should replace magixx as anchor or make him play zont1x's roles and move zont1x to anchor . Magixx is kinda overrated imo he performs once in a blue moon and ppl call him goated . IK anchoring is the hardest fragging role but he should do better . Like even zont1x is secondary caller so I don't see his purpose . Ppl compare him to jimphatt and b1t . Imo he is not even 40% of them . + i think spirit needs to make a decision like within this year or else he will be sold .
zont1x is NOT a secondary caller? He is literally the quietest person on their team
Nef0r0 [#15]zont1x is NOT a secondary caller? He is literally the quietest person on their team
he is dude . He is . He is quiet doesnt mean he can't be a secondary caller . Secondary caller don't need to talk as much compared to igl . He used to be secondary IGL spirit academy as well . Chopper himself said that zont1x was brought in to help him with the IGLng
Nef0r0 [#12]Didn't he outclass zywoo on a lan (i know it was a Mickey mouse tier, but still)
yeah it was studio lan, these EF guys are soooo bad when it comes to playoff games with a crowd. hopefully they can work on this but idk
laeDLaer [#9]onlinetares
zywoo not found kkkkkk
BeraJr [#13]should replace magixx as anchor or make him play zont1x's roles and move zont1x to anchor . Magixx is kinda overrated imo he performs once in a blue moon and ppl call him goated . IK anchoring is the hardest fragging role but he should do better . Like even zont1x is secondary caller so I don't see his purpose . Ppl compare him to jimphatt and b1t . Imo he is not even 40% of them . + i think spirit needs to make a decision like within this year or else he will be sold .
zontix is an anchor already
chopper is playing rotation roles with 0.90 kd
composthe [#19] not found kkkkkk
look my other reply. lmao zywoo winning trophies at least and can make it past quarter finals in playoff games infront of crowd. EF fans hyped because they win games in group stages and studio lan playoffs kkkkkkkkkk
laeDLaer [#21]look my other reply. lmao zywoo winning trophies at least and can make it past quarter finals in playoff games infront of crowd. EF fans hyped because they win games in group stages and studio lan playoffs kkkkkkkkkk
kkkkkkkkk mimimimimimi