Post-Kickoff rankings

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Now that Kickoff ended, this is my ranking. Feel free to suggest any changes.

DUELIST: 1) Aspas - 2) Dgzin - 3) Zekken - 4) Mada - 5) Jawgemo - 6) Keznit - 7) Asuna - 8) Oxy - 9) Demon1 - 10) Havoc - 11) Icy - 12) Silentzz

INITIATOR: 1) Trent - 2) Cauanzin - 3) Eeiu - 4) N4rrate - 5) Mazino - 6) Nzr- 7) C0m - 8) Xeppa - 9) Derrek - 10) Verno - 11) Mwzera - 12) Pryze

FLEX: 1) JonahP- 2) JohnQT- 3) Artzin - 4) V1nny - 5) Adverso - 6) Nathank 7) Cryo - 8) Ethan - 9) Mitch - 10) NaturE - 11) Raafa - 12) Zap

CONTROLLER: 1) Valyn - 2) Pancada - 3) Melser - 4) Xenom - 5) Bang - 6) S0m - 7) Kingg - 8) Supamen - 9) Khalil - 10) Zander - 11) V1c - 12) Lz

SENTINEL: 1) Leaf - 2) Shyy - 3) Cortezia - 4) Zellsis - 5) Tex - 6) Heat - 7) Gobera - 8) Tuyz - 9) NeT - 10) FNS - 11) Yay - 12) Boostio

IGL: 1) Valyn - 2) JohnQT - 3) Artzin - 4) V1nny - 5) Adverso - 6) Kingg - 7) FNS - 8) Boostio - 9) Mitch - 10) NaturE - 11) Zap - 12) Raafa
OVERALL TOP PLAYERS: 1) Leaf - 2) Aspas - 3) Trent - 4) JonahP - 5) Dgzin - 6) Valyn - 7) JohnQT - 8) Zekken - 9) Pancada - 10) Melser
TEAMS: 1) G2 2) Sentinels 3) Loud 4) MIBR 5) Kru 6) 100Thieves 7) NRG 8) Leviatán 9) Cloud9 10) Evil Geniuses 11) Furia 12) 2Game Esports


Mada > dgzin and Zekken

Mw should be higher




dgzin below zekken fs
these B05 zekken performed so well


johnqt > jonahP ??


s0m 8th controller is extremely delusional


No way zekken was better than mada. He was mid all kickoff


Jaw rank higher, Xenom higher, that's it.

molayking2 [#7]

No way zekken was better than mada. He was mid all kickoff


kfan4238173 [#2]

Mada > dgzin and Zekken

Mw should be higher

He was good but nrg won like 1 series and considering all of kickoff you have to put the more consistent higher placing duelists first. I am sure he could be amazing. Also small sample size for stats

1243 [#9]


Insane cherrypicking you sent his one good game when he performed average on the rest. He ended kickoff with like a 1.04 rating lmao. Mada hard carried NRG every game


Dgzin isn’t above Zekken or mada. Valyn and little too high s0m WAY too low. Zellsis is a flex.

kfan4238173 [#2]

Mada > dgzin and Zekken

Mw should be higher

reasonable opinion tbh
duelist was very rough to choose tbh mada was on my top 3 for a long time but i feel like dgzin and zekken had more "clutch performances" to carry their teams to more advanced stages on the tournament

molayking2 [#11]

Insane cherrypicking you sent his one good game when he performed average on the rest. He ended kickoff with like a 1.04 rating lmao. Mada hard carried NRG every game

Read #10

molayking2 [#11]

Insane cherrypicking you sent his one good game when he performed average on the rest. He ended kickoff with like a 1.04 rating lmao. Mada hard carried NRG every game

he has to hard carry because its 3v5 no choice


ok how is yay under fns and boostio

1243 [#4]

dgzin below zekken fs
these B05 zekken performed so well

only reason i put dgzin above is because i feel dgzin was more impactful for loud than zekken was for sentinels but thats a valid opinion

1243 [#15]

he has to hard carry because its 3v5 no choice

Ok? and he did. Zekken was getting carried by zellsis of all people lmao


n4rrate is more of a flex than john lol. he played every agent class this series

molayking2 [#18]

Ok? and he did. Zekken was getting carried by zellsis of all people lmao

Never, and i mean never disrespect zellsis like that ever again, he could end ur entire career in 10 seconds with one phonecall


silentz > demon1

molayking2 [#18]

Ok? and he did. Zekken was getting carried by zellsis of all people lmao

what the fuck
teammate performing well = getting carried
sen just has better players
on nrg nobody shoots back except mada and maybe sometimes s0m

saberMH [#5]

johnqt > jonahP ??

jonahp support and teamplay is extremely goated

molayking2 [#7]

No way zekken was better than mada. He was mid all kickoff


1243 [#22]

what the fuck
teammate performing well = getting carried
sen just has better players
on nrg nobody shoots back except mada and maybe sometimes s0m

So mada performed better than zekken but it doesnt matter because his teammates were shit? What kinda logic is that

darklord69 [#6]

s0m 8th controller is extremely delusional

i believe he will bounce back but he was too inconsistent this kickoff and i feel like every controller above him had more impact
that said i think he could be above kingg and supamen i might think about that

Liem [#16]

ok how is yay under fns and boostio


serious tho this one i trolled a bit gonna change it


aspas terminou com 1.26, mesmo rating do trent jogando muito mais rounds e com 0.20 de FKPR, bizarro, Leaf terminou 1.19

Jyhz [#8]

Jaw rank higher, Xenom higher, that's it.

jaw was a bit inconsistent (pretty normal prob still adapting to the team), all others above him had more impact to their teams and felt more individually complete
xenom same although he was in my top 3 for a bit but melser had an insane run

foythvlr [#29]

jaw was a bit inconsistent (pretty normal prob still adapting to the team), all others above him had more impact to their teams and felt more individually complete
xenom same although he was in my top 3 for a bit but melser had an insane run

I was convinced in the Dawgemo's point
but i still think you have to give credit to a ascension player that plays kickoff and the america league the first time.


I think Jaw is ranked a little low. If you're going off of KDA then yeah thats fair but he plays like a maniac to create space for his team. the last round of the b05 is a great example. How many duelists are going for a yoru tp into the enemy spawn? Also he does have a world champ trophy under his belt.

Toph_ [#12]

Dgzin isn’t above Zekken or mada. Valyn and little too high s0m WAY too low. Zellsis is a flex.

dgzin was more impactful for loud than zekken was for sentinels (besides zekken being close) and mada for nrg

like i said on other comment s0m was inconsistent but i think i might bump him up two tiers; valyn maybe but no one below him was really better in my opinion

sentinels roles are a bit icky to define but zellsis played mainly as a sentinel with exception of two specific maps so i went with that

michaelisupset [#19]

n4rrate is more of a flex than john lol. he played every agent class this series

sentinels roles are a bit icky to define tbh so i understand your point
but in my opinion n4rrate goes as initiators because he played on more initiator agents and on a more traditional approach
john played sova in like two maps which is fair, but out of that he spammed tejo, and it just feels more like a flex pick on most maps specially since in some of them n4rrate does either fade, breach or gekko
and i feel like naturally n4rrate will come back to full initiator once they have more time to sort that out because he exceeds more in it

Steelz [#21]

silentz > demon1


ImExempt [#31]

I think Jaw is ranked a little low. If you're going off of KDA then yeah thats fair but he plays like a maniac to create space for his team. the last round of the b05 is a great example. How many duelists are going for a yoru tp into the enemy spawn? Also he does have a world champ trophy under his belt.

I understand your point and thats fair but i feel like he had less impact for his team than the others above him, individually speaking. Mada basically was trying to carry NRG, Zekken dragged Sen through tough maps, Dgzin was topfragger and Loud's mvp on 90% of their maps and Aspas is Aspas. Jawg didn't had a single moment where i felt like he could be the best from his team (Yet, i think he will get there with more time)]

Also he does have a world champ trophy under his belt.

Im taking kickoff performances only

Jyhz [#30]

I was convinced in the Dawgemo's point
but i still think you have to give credit to a ascension player that plays kickoff and the america league the first time.

of course, im a xenom defender since day one, with time he might be the best controller in americas
just think melser and pancada were more vital to their teams

glittering_yard [#28]

aspas terminou com 1.26, mesmo rating do trent jogando muito mais rounds e com 0.20 de FKPR, bizarro, Leaf terminou 1.19

Aspas é o GOAT mas crédito onde tem que ser dado, Trent e Leaf tiveram um campeonato e impacto absurdo e hoje tão na conversa de melhores do mundo em suas funções e fora delas

foythvlr [#36]

of course, im a xenom defender since day one, with time he might be the best controller in americas
just think melser and pancada were more vital to their teams


foythvlr [#35]

I understand your point and thats fair but i feel like he had less impact for his team than the others above him, individually speaking. Mada basically was trying to carry NRG, Zekken dragged Sen through tough maps, Dgzin was topfragger and Loud's mvp on 90% of their maps and Aspas is Aspas. Jawg didn't had a single moment where i felt like he could be the best from his team (Yet, i think he will get there with more time)]

Also he does have a world champ trophy under his belt.

Im taking kickoff performances only

Nah good takes if you're going off team impact. G2 doesn't need Jawg to carry. Just an entry duelist to let Leaf cook for us. The other duelists def have way more to do.

  1. if not both kru and mibr at least mibr over loud. loud played good but just look how the games went, kru had a rough first game but came back beating loud and making it to lower round 3. mibr should not even be debated vs. loud, they finished 3rd in the tournament going on a 4 win streak in the lower bracket. ultimately kru and definitely mibr had better runs than loud this event, and we are basing it off of kick-off performance. i would put mibr 3rd.
  2. dgzin is not above zekken, zekken went all the way. if you want to talk about impact zekken's impact led them to bangkok while loud didnt even make it to lower round 3. you can't say dgzin had more impact simply because the percentage of contribution to his team was higher, because the efforts of loud only got them a 5th-6th place finish, compared to sen's 2nd place finish. i would put dgzin 3rd.
  3. for overall players, g2 players are rated too highly. why is basically the whole g2 roster above sen roster, and why are the only 2 sen players you have on there ranked in the bottom half? based on your rankings, you make it as if no team was even close to g2, when sen was on the same level, almost winning the event (3-2 on maps, 52-49 on rounds). i would move valyn back slightly and move zekken or johnqt up.

this is just my opinion obviously, but it seems there is some bias on loud, and it also seems as if some teams (mibr, sen, and kru) have been overlooked

ImExempt [#39]

Nah good takes if you're going off team impact. G2 doesn't need Jawg to carry. Just an entry duelist to let Leaf cook for us. The other duelists def have way more to do.

yep. but i think with more time (or even at bangkok) teams will get better, G2 will be more pressured and will need a flashy player to win an important round and then jawgemo will get more of a chance to shine. and honestly i trust him for that

OwenCOA [#40]
  1. if not both kru and mibr at least mibr over loud. loud played good but just look how the games went, kru had a rough first game but came back beating loud and making it to lower round 3. mibr should not even be debated vs. loud, they finished 3rd in the tournament going on a 4 win streak in the lower bracket. ultimately kru and definitely mibr had better runs than loud this event, and we are basing it off of kick-off performance. i would put mibr 3rd.
  2. dgzin is not above zekken, zekken went all the way. if you want to talk about impact zekken's impact led them to bangkok while loud didnt even make it to lower round 3. you can't say dgzin had more impact simply because the percentage of contribution to his team was higher, because the efforts of loud only got them a 5th-6th place finish, compared to sen's 2nd place finish. i would put dgzin 3rd.
  3. for overall players, g2 players are rated too highly. why is basically the whole g2 roster above sen roster, and why are the only 2 sen players you have on there ranked in the bottom half? based on your rankings, you make it as if no team was even close to g2, when sen was on the same level, almost winning the event (3-2 on maps, 52-49 on rounds). i would move valyn back slightly and move zekken or johnqt up.

this is just my opinion obviously, but it seems there is some bias on loud, and it also seems as if some teams (mibr, sen, and kru) have been overlooked

  1. I understand but, on my opinion, loud had higher peaks and lows than both mibr and kru. Their Kru game was definitely an off-day, and overall they felt much more like a complete team most of the time than both teams, and that's why i rate them higher. You can think differently, and that's fair, but i don't like to only pick their placement and not see their overall tournament

  2. That's also a valid opinion, just feel like Dgzin was more impactful and consistent overrall than Zekken, besides Zekken clutching on important moments (and that's why he's on top 3 at all). Not talking about placement or Mada and Eeiu wouldn't have been top 4 in their roles and they deserve it individually

  3. Im looking at the entire tournament here. G2 dropped two maps the entire tournament (!!!!) and got to finals in pretty easy fashion. Sentinels got a slow start and won some matches holding up on band-aids, they got bigger on the last two. Finals was close but we have to see how it all went down.


Loud top 3 is delusional. But they have a high ceiling tho

kfan4238173 [#2]

Mada > dgzin and Zekken

Mw should be higher

mw is ass


dg na frente do zekken e jawgemo NUNCA na historia

1ski [#43]

Loud top 3 is delusional. But they have a high ceiling tho

like i said on other comment, to me they had higher highs on the tournament than both mibr and kru, and their lows also looked higher than mibr and kru ones. kru game felt like an offday in all means and they should've won it, so much it was pretty much a surprise for everyone who was watching it

scumfckflowerboy [#45]

dg na frente do zekken e jawgemo NUNCA na historia

no kick-off? sim
dg foi constante o camp inteiro
zekken teve muitos momentos abaixo apesar de aparecer quando importava (por isso ta no top 3)
jawgemo nao teve impacto individual pro time tão acima quanto eles, tanto que não foi nem o segundo melhor jogador da equipe (e discutivelmente nem o terceiro ou quarto)

foythvlr [#42]
  1. I understand but, on my opinion, loud had higher peaks and lows than both mibr and kru. Their Kru game was definitely an off-day, and overall they felt much more like a complete team most of the time than both teams, and that's why i rate them higher. You can think differently, and that's fair, but i don't like to only pick their placement and not see their overall tournament

  2. That's also a valid opinion, just feel like Dgzin was more impactful and consistent overrall than Zekken, besides Zekken clutching on important moments (and that's why he's on top 3 at all). Not talking about placement or Mada and Eeiu wouldn't have been top 4 in their roles and they deserve it individually

  3. Im looking at the entire tournament here. G2 dropped two maps the entire tournament (!!!!) and got to finals in pretty easy fashion. Sentinels got a slow start and won some matches holding up on band-aids, they got bigger on the last two. Finals was close but we have to see how it all went down.

thats respectful, loud do look more like a complete team than the rookies on mibr, and kru is debatable. but for the fact that kru did go farther and came back from the initial loss, that gives them the slight edge over loud. i understand your point on dgzin, but even then, zekken's 1v4 ace vs loud alone had more impact than any of dgzin's plays. sen might not have qualified had zekken not stepped up. now thinking about it, i agree that g2 really dominated the tournament disregarding the final match, but i feel like looking how sen did before the mibr game underplays the "evolution" they went under. the sen team you are talking about is not the same we saw in their past matches. i do agree now that g2's roster should just be in the top 10, but still think zekken or johnqt should at least be in the top 5.


artzin lower on flex although there are times when he shines a lot of the times he is just doing his best to just be the first one dead. his igling tho is solid ngl i am worried he would be ange1 2.0 after seeing the amount of first deaths he has under his belt.
cortezia under tex because although his aim and lurks are sublime he can not hold down site for long enough for his team to take advantage of like tex and zellsis but his potential is still there to be top 3 america sentinel
and the demon1 disrespect is insane no way he's below flipping icy
xenom should be higher because of how much impact he has on every round possible like every time mibr was like in a disadvantage he drops two to even the score and he plays so well around the postplant.
the initiator list 100 percent agree except for narrate cuz hes flex
Overall Nice list

K_NGHT [#49]

artzin lower on flex although there are times when he shines a lot of the times he is just doing his best to just be the first one dead. his igling tho is solid ngl i am worried he would be ange1 2.0 after seeing the amount of first deaths he has under his belt.
cortezia under tex because although his aim and lurks are sublime he can not hold down site for long enough for his team to take advantage of like tex and zellsis but his potential is still there to be top 3 america sentinel
and the demon1 disrespect is insane no way he's below flipping icy
xenom should be higher because of how much impact he has on every round possible like every time mibr was like in a disadvantage he drops two to even the score and he plays so well around the postplant.
the initiator list 100 percent agree except for narrate cuz hes flex
Overall Nice list

all of your points are fair
artzin is more of a "everyone above is better but everyone below is worse" situation
tbh i do think i was a bit rough on demon1 started making the list after G2 x Lev game and i just forgot him there lol gonna change it
tex was my top 2 for a long time just prioritized teams that played more
xenom i think 4 is good enough considering how much impact both melser and pancada had for their teams and valyn is valyn
and i explained on #33 N4rrate role. sentinels overall is a bit confusing on roles so i chose to put him on initiator since it feels like he is the main one on the team (besides not playing sova)

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