Whats with the G2 glaze?

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yea but youre the one that completely misunderstood what i said brother 😂
How are you gonna skew the conversation to make it seem like your misunderstanding was me agreeing with your point at all??
Yea they do have better individual tejos but that isnt mutually exclusive with the teams having better gameplans around tejo than G2. You can be both my guy...


Bro… I didn’t misread your point. I disagree with your point. I’m saying something completely different I’m not repeating what you’re saying lmaoo

I said you proved my point because you said whoever has the better by the playbook strats is the better one, and I said that’s g2 in my previous post, so that just confirms my thought about g2 being the best with tejo. You’re disagreeing because you think SEN and DRX have better tejo plans and util but I disagree

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