did his best MWZERA impression, destroy in scrims and offseason and destroy his own team in americas
Yistyy [#4]Chill, nerves got to him. He will fry in split 1, this i am very confident about.
you can say the same about the hero mwzera
Yistyy [#4]Chill, nerves got to him. He will fry in split 1, this i am very confident about.
and the cope continues
NoOne_ButMe [#7]and the cope continues
You've barely given him a chance. His upside is ridiculous bro.
Patoow14 [#5]you can say the same about the hero mwzera
Mwzera has had many years in the scene, we know what kind of player he is already. Verno is just a rookie
Patoow14 [#5]you can say the same about the hero mwzera
unknown talent will always be better than talent that is already known to be mid, jus saying
Yistyy [#10]Mwzera has had many years in the scene, we know what kind of player he is already. Verno is just a rookie
mwzera always deserves another chance, he was the best raze in 2020!!!
Yistyy [#9]You've barely given him a chance. His upside is ridiculous bro.
i actually think that he will be great but pls stop hyping up like hes the second coming of leo
NoOne_ButMe [#13]i actually think that he will be great but pls stop hyping up like hes the second coming of leo
second coming of (the hero) mwzera*
Yistyy [#4]Chill, nerves got to him. He will fry in split 1, this i am very confident about.
Brother he was hyped as the next Leo a top 10 America’s player and now the excuse is nerves? Were there no nerves when he played overseas against a top 3 pacific team Geng??
elysxxm [#16]Brother he was hyped as the next Leo a top 10 America’s player and now the excuse is nerves? Were there no nerves when he played overseas against a top 3 pacific team Geng??
I dont know why he didn't perform but he was too good in tier 2 that something doesn't add up. All I'm saying is he isn't a bust yet and deserves more chance.
Yistyy [#17]I dont know why he didn't perform but he was too good in tier 2 that something doesn't add up. All I'm saying is he isn't a bust yet and deserves more chance.
He’s had 2 mid or bad games and 1 good game I’ll admit he isn’t a bust yet but can we please stop overhyping off season rookies we did this last year and if didn’t work either
Yistyy [#4]Chill, nerves got to him. He will fry in split 1, this i am very confident about.
lmao having nerves means your a shit player, the nerves dont go away. the best players, the players that win, arent chokers.
51etatdequebec [#19]lmao having nerves means your a shit player, the nerves dont go away. the best players, the players that win, arent chokers.
We're talking about a rookie here. A rookie who was just sitting on everyone in tier 2.
Yistyy [#20]We're talking about a rookie here. A rookie who was just sitting on everyone in tier 2.
that says more about t2 than anything. and btw, this is esports, not soccer. a bad debute means the player is trash, more minutes in t1 doesnt change that
51etatdequebec [#23]that says more about t2 than anything. and btw, this is esports, not soccer. a bad debute means the player is trash, more minutes in t1 doesnt change that
a bad debute means the player is trash
not even you believe that.
Yistyy [#24]a bad debute means the player is trash
not even you believe that.
i do. how long has verno been grinding pro? like why would more games make him better?
i've witnessed the debuts of tuyz, cauZ1n, demon1, NARA1TTEE. all good debuts.
you know a hyped player that had a bad debut? havoc. and guess what, he is trash.
even just statistics too. bad players more likely to have bad debut. good players less likely. therefore, bad debut => bad player.
Patoow14 [#12]mwzera always deserves another chance, he was the best raze in 2020!!!
It’s been 5 years brother this is no longer relevant
51etatdequebec [#26]i do. how long has verno been grinding pro? like why would more games make him better?
i've witnessed the debuts of tuyz, cauZ1n, demon1, NARA1TTEE. all good debuts.
you know a hyped player that had a bad debut? havoc. and guess what, he is trash.
even just statistics too. bad players more likely to have bad debut. good players less likely. therefore, bad debut => bad player.
there are good players who had bad debuts too tho. riens first tier 1 game he was pretty poor. also zekken at lock in. my point is, I don't think it's as cut and dry as you say.
glittering_yard [#6]watching Sacy lose his mind with verno's sova was so fking funny
I remember sacy losing his mind seeing verno play in ranked last year
It’s funny cause the entire time people were touting him to be his replacement
lorenzopajaroFC [#30]I remember sacy losing his mind seeing verno play in ranked last year
It’s funny cause the entire time people were touting him to be his replacement
tbf, he was pretty clearly better than sacy. post-loud sacy gets overrated these days but still a legend for sure.
glittering_yard [#6]watching Sacy lose his mind with verno's sova was so fking funny
what did he say?
SomeDude [#33]what did he say?
he was just shocked by really bad decisions verno made on abyss as sova, and through the series overall (he was cheering for NRG)
Yistyy [#31]tbf, he was pretty clearly better than sacy. post-loud sacy gets overrated these days but still a legend for sure.
Don’t get me wrong, i think verno is an amazing talent and i watched all of nrg’s matches on the off season just for him
But doing something on T2 is very different from doing it in franchising, verno has a lot of potential and i’m sure he’ll surpass sentinels sacy, but people were calling for him to replace sacy last year and the loss of experience calling and support wouldn’t have been compensated by fragging so quickly, as we’ve seen on these kickoff matches