I get where he's coming from. If I was an org owner I would be mad too watching my team play once in a blue moon while I'm paying hundreds of thousands of dollars every month. However, I don't really solution to this other than 100T just getting good!
Nadeshot would be complaining too if his team played more games, lost them and then never had enough time to actually get good. Preparation is everything in this game. That's why it's so hard to be consistent in VCT because once people figure you out, you are done. The point of having a downperiod for loser teams is to give them enough time to prepare for the next split, cook things up, watch the top teams play and formulate a strategy to beat them. That's how 100T won split 1 last year and LOUD got basically fucked over for the whole year, simply because they lost too much prep time in spain and Ireland.