Their coaching staff is actually ASS lmfao, these guys at ZETA management have to actively be looking for shit coaches. How is Carlao still on the staffing roster LOL GE got a better coach than ZETA in the offseason, that's crazy.
Their player selection is too delayed. They had Laz & Dep for the longest time, and SyouTa was rotting in Tier 2 for ages, but they refused to drop the bag for JP T2's strongest player bar Meiy and kept TENNN & crow, even shifting crow to the assistant coach role as if he did anything LMAO I wonder if they've looked into RIDDLE's players considering the run they had in Ascension. They're literally from ZETA Academy.
The players themselves have like 0 passion it feels like. They have legit no reactions to losing from what I've seen. Laz was the only guy in the Japanese scene who actually seemed to care about winning. These guys look so dispassionate. They're disjointed as well, there are some times when it looks like one of them wanted to flood and the other just waited, or the trade was so slow because the other guy wouldn't proactively look for it. Like what are you doing, why are you so passive? Didn't these guys want to play like PRX? The Japanese scene was suffering from passive baity playstyles since the game released and nothing has changed.