What is this Format

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Why do LAST YEAR champs teams get rewarded again by starting a round ahead getting free vods of the teams before them, then the teams that are 1-1 play an elimination match against teams that are 0-1 giving the 0-1 team way more vods on the team that won.

this format rewards last year results, losing your first game and punishes you for winning your first game.

How is any of this fair?


Thats kinda the problem with having a 12 team bracket, you cant really organize it properly without giving one team an advantage, probably why they should've had previous stage to cut it down to 8 but would take too long ig


It rewards teams for doing well at champs and punishes teams that don't do well or don't make it which should encourage teams to do better at champs or make champs.


Yeah, but I think he has a point, the first game technically doesn't matter if you lose the subsequent which is kinda unfair especially since this is meant to be a new season, should act like a fresh start for teams but it is what it is ig. The whole kickoff idea is kinda stupid in my opinion and masters 1 should not be worth less than masters 2 by a size standpoint


comes down to 12-team league at the end of the day, this is by far the best format you can do for a 12-team kickoff tournament
whether or not having only 12 teams in the league is a problem is a different issue

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