im assuming a -18 performance from him today
idk why its not showing the +
that symbol is used for listing stuff
I have a feeling he inst going to play duelist today
Tomaszy back on duelist?
Tomassy disasterclass 💀
bro your profile is insane...the entire first page is you dishing out hate, no nice things in sight, is there any player/teams you actually like?
good get him off smokes bro
nvm i was full of shit
hes going to fuck karmine corp today
i have the feeling
said kfan4238172 as he is waking up from his dream
he better not i got 20 on kc
hehehe tmrw u will put 30 on liquid
next week 50 on g2
week after 75 on t1
gold gold gold
if anyone bets on liquid valorant they gotta call the number
i bet on liquid twice this season and ill do it again against apeks
i would hold off tbh apeks are getting batujnax back
T2 farmer T1 feeder
He has alot of talent but just cant get it out or something