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It really feels like they used ascension in order to get some quick money and not actually build a competitive team because how are you selling your best players and then taking months to find replacements


It really feels like they used ascension in order to get some quick money

Isn't that the point of the money incentives?

not actually build a competitive team

A lot of teams are finalizing their teams with the good players before the ascension tournament even finishes up

saebr [#2]

It really feels like they used ascension in order to get some quick money

Isn't that the point of the money incentives?

not actually build a competitive team

A lot of teams are finalizing their teams with the good players before the ascension tournament even finishes up

Of course money is a incentive but it feels like Apeks is trying to maximise profits by building a not very competitive team as they are yet to even announce to the public who their fifth is

They sold core players that helped them get ascension and built a even worse team

USCK [#3]

Of course money is a incentive but it feels like Apeks is trying to maximise profits by building a not very competitive team as they are yet to even announce to the public who their fifth is

They sold core players that helped them get ascension and built a even worse team

nah they did fam

femboyenjoyer [#4]

nah they did fam

If they did I don’t know but batujnax was rumoured to be the fifth for months now anyway


Teams that didn’t make champs started trialing new players in July. Apeks didn’t ascend until mid September. Not only were the regions best players already unavailable, they didn’t know even they’d later lose their best players to other teams. They did fine


i agree

it feels like theyre maximizing profit and then leaving valorant after relegation idk


Honestly i could kinda see this. Signing flor also means a lot of fans despite being a basically irrelevant team


Lmao no
While we dont have any info about Soulcas afaik (though given the timing I think its reasonable to think its the same situation), kaajak was not sold to Fnatic - his contract just ran out... ofc he'd switch

.... And idk what you smoked but them doing a proper trial process is a good thing? Its an asenscion roster - they have to start later (remember most t2 players are already in talks with t1 orgs before ascension even starts) and cant compete for players (since theyre the worst option with a 1 year contract).

And lastly Its also not like they just settled with him yesterday either; batujnax has been with the roster for a while now

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