the next ScreaM
babysasuke [#2]He's already better than scream fym
Don't disrespect scream, they know him for his 1 taps
gamergirl [#5]a decade ago lmfao
and a hundred years from now we will still know him for his one taps
Ultime [#8]HS% doesnt matter, no? Like if someone uses a shorty doesn't that shit tank
0 ball knowledge
i see your keiko and raise you cortezia (
CallMeVortex [#7]and a hundred years from now we will still know him for his one taps
they* will know him for his one taps
ionlyHave1Zuni [#16]He does and i say this as a non biased bystander
Ive watched cortezia and no he doesnt keiko has way more impact in games
Ultime [#12]Wdym? Oxy for example gets like 35% headshot with 1.5 vlr rating
don't forget to spit on it
Prancer [#4]Don't disrespect scream, they know him for his 1 taps
Down voted for speaking the truth, it's OK goat they will never understand you
Minimalist [#17]Ive watched cortezia and no he doesnt keiko has way more impact in games
You dont even know what impact means 💔 sit this one out
ionlyHave1Zuni [#21]You dont even know what impact means 💔 sit this one out
and you dont know what biased means lol
babysasuke [#2]He's already better than scream fym
Not even in his dreams , Scream is litterally an Icon in both Games
p0tsuz [#25]Not even in his dreams , Scream is litterally an Icon in both Games
ScreaM was literally ass in Valorant, accomplished nothing aside from getting his bum brother a nepotism check-stealing position on 2 ass teams, and then retired in disgrace