The banners this year are the same mascot while the changing the team logo on its face and the color pallette of the banner, and the classic skin will obviously be not so different as teams don't change their color every year so yeah in the future we won't get much variation in the classic skin and if riot doesn't give to design banner to the teams themselves then even that becomes stale meaning this capsule idea stales completely in the next year or two cause let's be real , teams will also run out of material to draw their banner as like take PRX except for their t rex thing what theme can they make their logo on?Also to add , once someone buys a team capsules one year why would they be looking to buy it another year for the same team, it's not like the capsule disappears from inventory and that's why u gotta buy again and it's something like a renewal package, especially considering the classic skins will almost be the same. Leo said that they wanna keep vandal and phantom for the champs bundle and making 64 skins for a particular gun is very hard already and tho i understand his point but this idea of capsules won't work in the future, all of those bums at plat chat didn't ask him this question while asking the most useless of questions to him when they invited him there.
TLDR: The team banners made by riot are dumb and even if the teams make the banner , after some years they will run of theme to make banner on, the classic skin colors will almost be same every year plus if someone buys a team capsule this year why would they wanna buy it again next year unless hes rich or a super fan, overall saying the idea of a team capsule will become stale in 2-3 years if they dont change anything in it.(which riot has no plans of doing)