2 group of 6 is a SCAM (in T2)

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As usual, too hard to read so I read the text.


Today video is less important than the other, I want to address a common misconception, if one day Riot announce in your region with 8 team, we change to 2 group of 6 instead of 1 group of 8 for making the scene grow, it's a scam, they are almost the same number of game in 2 group of 6 and in 1 group of 8 (28 games vs 30 games)

  • SEA should have 2 groups of 8
  • NA should have 2 groups of 8
  • LATAM should have 2 groups of 8

The current format make no sense compared to the size of the regions (population) :

  • DACH : 101M (10 teams, 45 games)
  • France : 95M (8 teams, 28 games)
  • IBIT : 118M
  • East-EU : 170M
  • North-EU : 100M
  • Turkey : 84M
  • Japan : 126M
  • Korea : 53M
  • Oceania : 43M
  • Brazil : 212M

SO YEAH, compared to

  • North America : 389M
  • Latin America : 406M
  • SEA : 662M
    You ain't gonna tell me that we can't have 2 groups of 8 in thoose 3 region ? It should be like MENA : 2 group of 8 (If it can be based on geography it's better)

(Mena, South Asia, are still undevelopped Valorant, so it's not possible to compare)


Haven't watched the video yet but shouldnt it be based off of playerbase instead of population? Like india for example has a population of 1.4B but is weaker than a lot of the other regions (in terms of how many players are in Tier 1 or really talatned in T2)


You are right, that it would be the best intresting metrics but :

  • It's data I dont have (i'm considering counting the number of premier team in every region to have something that get close to that)
  • It seems that in developed PC market, Valorant is kinda developped on the same proportions (Thats why I dont count Mena, India etc)
  • Population is also a good data to know what market you can conquer

But I did the math on the number of premier teams 5 EU region are 5403 team and NA is 3613 team (So if you remove the CIS player that probably play on EU the number may be quite close) so yeah NA can have even more than 2 group of 8 (But lets stay on 2 group of 8 for the moment) SEA and LATAM have way more less, but still mush more compared to Turkey IBIT or even France (That have one of the biggest audience of the T2)



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