It’s fr the hardest rank out there.
I lose 5 in a row every time I’m about to rank up.
My mmr fucked, every rank up game it’s full of plays and even diamond players occasionally.
well uhh cant relate
jkjk in all seriousness its hard to tell you how to get out a rank if we dont know how you play.
but maybe you get nervous and overthink things when its your rank up if thats when you keep losing
Komekko [#6]Plats, the phone autocorrected it
well if ur gonna be plat, you have to face low diamonds high plats
GambleNats [#5]well uhh cant relate
jkjk in all seriousness its hard to tell you how to get out a rank if we dont know how you play.
but maybe you get nervous and overthink things when its your rank up if thats when you keep losing
I just fill and do what my team asks, idk how I play, I play differently each game, depending on how my team plays.
Komekko [#8]I just fill and do what my team asks, idk how I play, I play differently each game, depending on how my team plays.
can you at least send a tracker, I get a bit weary when I hear "fill"
Gemiknight [#3]try queueing with someone if you can. i queued with an old duo of mine while i was in gold 2 and we grinded together to plat 2.
All my friends think Val is a cringe game and they don’t play it 😿
GambleNats [#9]can you at least send a tracker, I get a bit weary when I hear "fill"
Komekko [#12]
okay, what you need to focus most on is your mechanics
also I wouldnt flex onto different agents with this low hours, I personally think its better to stick to 1-3 characters (or you can stick to 1 character on 1 map) until you get a good grasp of the game and can shoot properly. At gold, mechanics are really important, if you can work towards a 0.95 kd at least then I would expect a rank up.
Dont overcomplicate it, dont feel a need to rank up and put pressure on yourself, as long as you improve you will rank up
GambleNats [#13]okay, what you need to focus most on is your mechanics
also I wouldnt flex onto different agents with this low hours, I personally think its better to stick to 1-3 characters (or you can stick to 1 character on 1 map) until you get a good grasp of the game and can shoot properly. At gold, mechanics are really important, if you can work towards a 0.95 kd at least then I would expect a rank up.
Dont overcomplicate it, dont feel a need to rank up and put pressure on yourself, as long as you improve you will rank up
I feel like in tdm I can keep up with some higher ranks even up to dis/asc but whenever I play ranked, I get destroyed before I can even aim properly or spray a lot.
cohnr [#11]dont overcomplicate your games, just get good aim and its very easy to get to diamond+ with just good aim and decent game knowledge
also dont fill, play 2 or 3 characters and instalock them every game, I do that with omen/clove/skye and I know super strong plays on every map I play those agents on
I get teammates yelling at me and throwing when I instalock a lot of the times, that’s why I just fill.
Komekko [#17]I get teammates yelling at me and throwing when I instalock a lot of the times, that’s why I just fill.
you shouldnt care if that happens, that game was lost the second you queued into it and you should dodge in agent select if anyone complains about instalocking
playing with what your comfortable with is the key to consistency, playing flex doesnt work, I know because I tried and as soon as I instalocked, I ranked up from diamond to immortal in 2 acts while not playing that much
Not really, hardest rank is easily Immortal. It is the highest rank of babysitting simulator. Everyone has such big ego, you point out one mistake and they start playing like shit. If you don't duo, it is near impossible to hit Radiant.
Also, why are you filling in Gold? That is the worst thing you can do. You can hit ascendant with just mechanics alone. Spam TDM and DM, and lock Reyna, easily will hit diamond.
Komekko [#16]I feel like in tdm I can keep up with some higher ranks even up to dis/asc but whenever I play ranked, I get destroyed before I can even aim properly or spray a lot.
crosshair placement
Itsover [#15]Hardest rank to get out of is immortal 3, not gold, just hit shots and you will rank up, gold players are medium bots from cs.
yeah I mean thats just bc of the mmr gap tbh, ive seen many many many terrible players hit rad all bc they had a very good week and then they drop to immo1 and become hardstuck
rad isnt too hard to hit but its very hard to stay in rad