I'd say wo0t and TH has better swich his role
cuz His duelist is insane
saebr [#3]If woot so good why he didnt win champs?
He had the highest ACS on the team in that final whilst playing 5 agents in 5 maps (none of which were duelists). You can't really blame him for not winning Champs
Aayan [#4]my contenders are (in no order): Zekken, Munchkin, t3xture, wo0t and riens
munchkin over meteor?
catNmouse [#12]munchkin over meteor?
for me munchkin is 100% up there, I think him having his performance while IGLing (even if they struggled at Champs) is great
t3xture and meteor are more comparable for me tbh and I only very slightly favour t3xture but I wouldn't be mad with Meteor