Sure a lot of people apparently like fracture for some reason? (I dont relate but its understandable since I am low rank and I can get why ppl like this map since it is very tactical based) But this doesnt make sense to me in the meta, heres why
Riot nerfed omen on his ability to make sneaky one ways, nice I am a controller main and i have no issues for that. His blind still makes him a top tier controller for his ability to reclear space taken by the enemy team, it is super strong to retake.
But now Ascent and sunset are out of the map pool, omen are usually ran on this map even in ranked other than clove, if riot switched in fracture its gonna make omen even lesser picked by comp players since they are just going to pick clove or astra as a replacement of his
And now omen is missing some crucial one ways like the one in A main where u set up ur team for a rush and take rubble/ a main control and the one on tree door.
Maybe im just overthinking but omen is losing his priority among the duelists, especially against clove