and many more
where yall at?? yetujey mogs you all
gamergirl [#2]he retired cboobs
so? am i not allowed to support the greatest turkish team in valorant? frick u too goonerg0rl
never doubted
they just need to stop choking international events though
gamergirl [#8]xeus made u change ur name and support vitality
retired happy meal merchant fan
nobody forced me to do a rebrand and still i love both xeus and cned shut up narrate word
TheAceGamer30 [#5]never doubted
they just need to stop choking international events though
tbh i dont even think they were choking, since that implies that they did worse than expected
no hate to them at all, they're well above average regionally but I think they fall short of beating top teams from other regions
xeus has proven that he's an upgrade so hopefully they'll do better