El Diablo is back, EG will truly be stoppable.
Vegaaa [#3]potter can do a lot, but it always seems like yays issues are mental, idk what she can do there. maybe EG can hire a therapist but knowing them it would be some blue hair libtard therapist.
I didn't know EG have that sort of money
Vegaaa [#3]potter can do a lot, but it always seems like yays issues are mental, idk what she can do there. maybe EG can hire a therapist but knowing them it would be some blue hair libtard therapist.
what did potter do this season?
Vegaaa [#3]potter can do a lot, but it always seems like yays issues are mental, idk what she can do there. maybe EG can hire a therapist but knowing them it would be some blue hair libtard therapist.
if EG does nothing at all that’ll be better for his mental than what happened at bleed lmao
they had staff actively showing yay hate comments like what the braindead anyone’s mental would deteriorate from that
babysasuke [#7]with supamen as a mentor, this "yay" guy has the potential to become the esports player of the year
too bad they didn’t get the goat poised over nature