y'all must be grateful for having DGZIN this guy is a logo lover before aspas compensation
“Logo lover before Aspas compensation” wtf does that mean
you wouldn't know peak writing unc
Please translate for me jawn my peasant brain cannot comprehend this Elder Speech
i can't do that for you, he used too many slurs
Lol i don't know how to explain in it it was like he's loud lover before just a player
still makes 0 sense
I kinda get it, he’s more of a loud lover than a replacement for Aspas, but what he means by that I have no fucking clue
what he means is that hes a loud lover, before just a player, I hope you found this helpful
Well they should be grateful for having him and the addition that he makes to them
They all come to make fun on my thread except brazilians xD
im still trying to understand what you wrote lmao
bro no one is making fun of your thread for talking good about loud its just that you arent really explaining what you mean properly, i think you mean that he loves loud and is giving his best because he wants to represent the org well, is that it?