Denjisideals [#19]
That's what I am saying
I get that she is not tier 1 ready
Brother no one is saying she is tier 1 ready
Unless you are getting baited which is completely on you
It just seems kind of hypocritical when people talk about "freeing" these players from their terrible terrible orgs but the second it comes to her it is if SR loses, it's 100% on her, she is a fraud
At the end of the day she is still an 18 year old
Give her some chances
while i mostly agree with ur points i think it is fair to blame SR losses on her
like imagine messi is on some middle school soccer team and dominates the other teams in the league
ofc if messi fucking loses then everyone's going to blame him, even if he stomped every other team
doesn't mean he's not messi and still insane but like it's his fault, u aint gon blame the middle schoolers on his team