Skill gap in Pacific

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Pacific has the biggest skill gap in teams where any of the teams outside of the top 3 don’t even stand much of a chance to do anything in internationals and is kind of a farmers region for the top 3 do we think this will improve next season

Edit:China not included I don’t watch that region




no it's china.edg clearsi it but still weak region

aspassonjiezounb [#3]

no it's china.edg clearsi it but still weak region

I don’t watch or care about china so I didn’t include them but yh your right

I like to look at it in terms of pacific,emea and americas

USCK [#4]

I don’t watch or care about china so I didn’t include them but yh your right

I like to look at it in terms of pacific,emea and americas

actually they are same.I even think chinese weak teams can be 7-8 in pac.
but pac top teams are there and so good

aspassonjiezounb [#5]

actually they are same.I even think chinese weak teams can be 7-8 in pac.
but pac top teams are there and so good

Pacific has a massive farmers league issue that no one wants to talk about because of how good the top 3 teams are


Remind me. Outside of TH how many international victories do Emea have that is not against China? Lets not pretend FUT or VIT or KC or even Fnatic did anything in internationals this season.

Atleast pacific have 3 competitive team. Thats higher than two other leagues


EMEA Top 3 is APAC AMER CHINA Top 8-10


i don't see any region besides Americas making a final next year and im not even kidding

LeCat [#7]

Remind me. Outside of TH how many international victories do Emea have that is not against China? Lets not pretend FUT or VIT or KC or even Fnatic did anything in internationals this season.

Atleast pacific have 3 competitive team. Thats higher than two other leagues

With that logic what did DRX and PRX do this season? Because apart from Gen.G apac had one good placement and that was PRX finishing 3rd on a 8 team tournament

Also emea is the most stacked region rn

ShuGo [#8]

EMEA Top 3 is APAC AMER CHINA Top 8-10

Amazing opinion bro that’s just awesome

USCK [#6]

Pacific has a massive farmers league issue that no one wants to talk about because of how good the top 3 teams are

I mean it's not like the weaker teams are doing it intentionally (Unless maybe TS rn).
Recently teams like DFM, Zeta and GE are making some significant moves. Also asc team SPG is here now. Let's hope the region becomes more competitive.


How do you think prx still makes it to lans I love the top teams in apac but you can tell this region is shit

USCK [#10]

With that logic what did DRX and PRX do this season? Because apart from Gen.G apac had one good placement and that was PRX finishing 3rd on a 8 team tournament

Also emea is the most stacked region rn

Sure Pacific only have 1 good placement this year outside of GenG
Emea have 0 outside TH
China have 0 outside EDG

Emea most stacked region is an opinion. Without another lock in we wont know that. Amer fans will say they are stacked so will Apac

Point is , seems silly to say Pacific only have 3 competitive teams when thats way more than other leagues except Americas .



LeCat [#14]

Sure Pacific only have 1 good placement this year outside of GenG
Emea have 0 outside TH
China have 0 outside EDG

Emea most stacked region is an opinion. Without another lock in we wont know that. Amer fans will say they are stacked so will Apac

Point is , seems silly to say Pacific only have 3 competitive teams when thats way more than other leagues except Americas .

The whole point of this thread is to talk about how weak Pacific is outside of the 3 teams which isn’t true for emea because emea had 6 teams that were actually contenders while Americas had 5 lan contenders with nearly every other team in these two regions having the potential to actually take maps and upset top teams meanwhile in Apac every team outside the top 3 gets smoked by the top 3 especially when it matters the most with very little upsets ever happening to the top 3 teams

USCK [#16]

The whole point of this thread is to talk about how weak Pacific is outside of the 3 teams which isn’t true for emea because emea had 6 teams that were actually contenders while Americas had 5 lan contenders with nearly every other team in these two regions having the potential to actually take maps and upset top teams meanwhile in Apac every team outside the top 3 gets smoked by the top 3 especially when it matters the most with very little upsets ever happening to the top 3 teams

That's my question. How does Emea have 6 contender when 5 of them fails to do anything?

Because they have ex masters winner? Because we see good players like Sayf and Suygetsu in the team?

Names dont win game. Bleed have Yay,Zest and sscary and is the worst team in the league.

Because of their history back in 2021/2022? Then zeta is a contender (lol)

If we are talking upset potential, both TS and Talon core have actually done it before unlike these "upset potential teams". T1 actually took a map this year btw against a third place team in dominant manner(its moot though taking maps doesn't matter, winning does)

Emea doesn't have 6 contenders based on their performance. Its 2 at best(Th and Fnatic)

LeCat [#17]

That's my question. How does Emea have 6 contender when 5 of them fails to do anything?

Because they have ex masters winner? Because we see good players like Sayf and Suygetsu in the team?

Names dont win game. Bleed have Yay,Zest and sscary and is the worst team in the league.

Because of their history back in 2021/2022? Then zeta is a contender (lol)

If we are talking upset potential, both TS and Talon core have actually done it before unlike these "upset potential teams". T1 actually took a map this year btw against a third place team in dominant manner(its moot though taking maps doesn't matter, winning does)

Emea doesn't have 6 contenders based on their performance. Its 2 at best(Th and Fnatic)

Well FUT basically had the exact same highest placements as DRX so still according to your logic emea and pacific would have the same number of competitive teams meanwhile emeas bottom teams are still competitive while pacifics bottom teams are not and emea and americas had 5 teams that made internationals while Pacific had 4 teams make international

Edit: Also the only team DRX beat in playoffs were a Chinese team

USCK [#10]

With that logic what did DRX and PRX do this season? Because apart from Gen.G apac had one good placement and that was PRX finishing 3rd on a 8 team tournament

Also emea is the most stacked region rn

self glaze lol


china is worst, its basically FPX & EDG vs others

USCK [#18]

Well FUT basically had the exact same highest placements as DRX so still according to your logic emea and pacific would have the same number of competitive teams meanwhile emeas bottom teams are still competitive while pacifics bottom teams are not and emea and americas had 5 teams that made internationals while Pacific had 4 teams make international

Edit: Also the only team DRX beat in playoffs were a Chinese team

lol fut beat FNC to get top 6 and get destroyed DRX beat FNC Trace to get top 6


China top 3 except edg is PAC top 6-10

USCK [#10]

With that logic what did DRX and PRX do this season? Because apart from Gen.G apac had one good placement and that was PRX finishing 3rd on a 8 team tournament

Also emea is the most stacked region rn

if emea is the most stacked region, why didnt they do anything this year?


Really? I thought that Pacific was the most competitive

I think they have the strongest VCL when you compare them to Tier-1

I think that either China or EMEA has the biggest gap between the worst and the best team


Yes but it's getting closer this year. Talon should be competitive and also T1. Now I also hope that Eta can upset a bit, they got potential. At least we might see another team then Drx, Geng and prx in tournaments

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