I figured something out about Valorant's map design
The sites are all really barren
Think about every site in Valorant, and the amount of actual cover on the site not including angles offsite like heaven, CT or link
Pearl A site literally has one L box and secret in terms of cover on site, and B just has screen, hall and pillar
Haven A site literally has one box in the middle of the site, B site has the large box in the middle and back site, C has one main box, plat and the close right box
Bind B site is just tube, cubby and the box on the left, then A site is just truck, hookah, L box and bench
Split B site is just the box and pillar, then A site is just elbow and screen
Abyss A site is quite literally one box in the middle of the site, and then B is 2 boxes
Sunset A is just the default box and the tall box, and B was just pillar before the update
Ascent is really the only map in Valorant that doesn't have this trend, with each site having at least 4 positions on site you can play pretty that aren't one and dones or corners
And this fact makes Valorant defence pretty much just a game of take aggressive control or play retake, there's really no passive play on site at a high level in Valorant