Def coming back before champs..Original fragging sentinel not makeshift duelist to sent like meteor..
koromast [#2]rumours said he was toxic so who knows if this is really the end for him, i really wanted to see him on t1 but carpe took his spot last minute and we all know carpe isnt better than him individually so it might be something about him
he was dropped because he can't comm in english fluently.
donut2612 [#5]he was dropped because he can't comm in english fluently.
i remember his english not being bad at all tho and he was already kicked from gen.g before maybe they didnt want him again
5percentTINT [#10]No he's Chilean
Thats the different player. We are talking about the korean player
lee_theKorean [#11]Thats the different player. We are talking about the korean player
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lee_theKorean [#11]Thats the different player. We are talking about the korean player
there are a lot of jokes/baits like this in vlr, time to get used to it buddy.
koromast [#6]i remember his english not being bad at all tho and he was already kicked from gen.g before maybe they didnt want him again
whats all this about kicking isnt he in the military?
koromast [#2]rumours said he was toxic so who knows if this is really the end for him, i really wanted to see him on t1 but carpe took his spot last minute and we all know carpe isnt better than him individually so it might be something about him
this is why you dont trust rumours. its fake asf.
EternalXera [#15]whats all this about kicking isnt he in the military?
yea hes probably finishing his national service next year. He'll be the biggest fish in the F/A market when he comes back tho, since zest is taking a break