Unpopular opinion : I think Riot is saving T2, T2 will never be sustainable, putting to mush money in T2 will just create an isolationist bubble and give money to an unsustainable team, that is bad for long term. Only small org and maybe mid org will take the T2 place and they will probably have saner account and not making the bubble explode thinking that have to pour money in it to go to ascension. it will be especially hard for NA that can't understand this logic because all their country were based on the contrary on that philosophy, but it's necessary. Anyone that want to "save T2" is just about to defend an isolationist bubble and unsolvent org. Only org with the love if this game remain, team that qwill be here to make money will be out, and thats perfect.
Only problem Riot have with T2 is bad Tournament Organisator, maybe it's time for Riot to stop use TO and organize everything themself