Jett - blue Gaia's Vengeance vandal/Forsaken operator Raze - Forsaken vandal Sova - red Recon phantom Omen - Champs 2021 vandal Viper/Cypher/Killjoy - blue Prelude to Chaos vandal
What are some others?
cypher, viper, killjoy, astra prism phantom with Masters winner spark buddy
Skye+Green Gaias+Skye Buddy
raze + red overdrive vandal
Omen + Blue Kuronami Chamber + yellow prime Vandal KJ + Yellow RGX
Kxtqqh [#2] cypher, viper, killjoy, astra prism phantom with Masters winner spark buddy
Omen + Black Nocturnum
Convoy [#6] nAts
Cypher with white imperium vandal goes kinda crazy ngl only skin i use with him
Sova + blue prime + vct21 red buddy
Omen + black Oni Katana/ any Broken Blade
Gekko + the retro game skin
Jett + White Kuronami Vandal Raze + Red Xerofang Melee
Kay/o and default/blue singularity
Here are some of mine
Cypher or Deadlock with any white neo frontier skins are elite