only a year went by and were talking about a team that weren’t even together for more than 6 months like they were the ‘96 Bulls, it’s beautiful. Will there ever be an NA team to match their aura of them winning NA’s first champs on home soil?
Because they were...
2021 era valorant first off was plumber era
Gambit got shafted by riot, was playing on little to no sleep in the finals because of controversy w Kru
Acend kept their lineup into next year and got shat on rightfully so because they were never truly great, just lucky at the right times.
Eg on the other hand was playing against the best team of all time, finalisted against them and took a map off them
Won champs and forced to break up by the team
And every individual player on that team who was used somewhat competently performed insane in their own right, proving they were all the real deal
No team will ever come close unless they have a 10 man roster, EG being able to repeatedly scrim against another team that was copying strategies from the teams they would face in Tokyo and LA was the secret to their success, it would be worth it for Franchised teams to invest in academy teams to do this. Would definitely be a great investment and build the T2 scene.