XLG 2-1
Shoyo15 [#12]easy odds on jdg map 2 stew will gap rarga
Hahahahahhaahhahahahahahaha JDShit ain't winning shit.
Edit: may have spoke too soon 💀💀
Edit 2: my hatred for jdshit will not be dettered, XLG 2-1 map 3 destruction
bearmans [#31]sword9 is a fucking bad investment kekw.
he performed like shit in AG how the fuck do they still try going with him.
bearmans [#31]sword9 is a fucking bad investment kekw.
he performed like shit in AG how the fuck do they still try going with him.
Kalo di forum cuman temporary stand-in mungkin bursa pemainnya lagi kecil jadi susah buat dpt yg bagus
BUKDABOSS [#29]Eating some Stew it tastes like JDShit.
Never doubted my goat Rarga
stew is better than rarga lol