blg was top 3 in kickoff
Flag: | China |
Registered: | June 15, 2023 |
Last post: | March 7, 2025 at 1:33 PM |
Posts: | 53 |
obone didnt go negativ in a match and they still stomped wolves snd blg who still are a top cn team
that was last year and he clearly improved
eren is now on a t2 team with pkm and yhchen
my bad didnt see that you said appearance rate too
s1mon would have won every tier 1 vct tournament hes played in
idk what games you were watching lysoar is not better than yosemite
xlg is more ra than jdg now
doesnt really make sense considering he is igling and that he somehow still is one of their best performing players
sunshine is edg academy coach
the rematch was pretty one sided
edg destroyed t1 in tokyo??
im completely serious
it off season and edg played with 2 academy players. these were games that actually mattered
i dont think that the other sea teams are that bad honestly
you just cant handle the truth
he has more assists per round and acs than simon while also igling and drg also went on a top 4 run
berlin 22 rarga 24 and nicc 30 is crazy
because china always owned them in shared tournaments
o0o0o might just be the chinese boaster
viva revenge
lsn is like 32 and a father already. hope he can still keep up with the younger players
tyl 2-0
drg should win this. losing to a one month old team would be embarrassing
jkuro duelist might actually be the way to go
this is so embarrassing
happywei 2025 champs mvp
its jingdover
yet another jd management disasterclass
jdg 2:0 blg is the most overrated team in china right now
fpx isnt that good on sunset
jdg 2-0 not even close
jdg 2:0
nephh and biank are both initiators nephh was meant to replace biank so blg got flexin because they needed a controller player
idk about ninebody but flexin is going to blg and aak is rumored to go on a team with coldfish