Why does everyone exclusively judge ACS/KD

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I'm sure most people realise there are a lot of other ways to impact the game other than just being the topfrag on the server but why is it that everyone is so quick to attack players who aren't high fraggers? Sure if someone is consistently like double negative that is probably too far over the line fair enough but most guys arent

Particularly players who play flash initiator or flex roles as the most notable and easy examples. IGLs seem to get a free pass most of the time except maybe boaster? which is funny because he's one of the most winning players in valorant but yeah fair enough his recent stats have been too low to be made up for with great IGLing (compared to other winning teams - they still are a great team)

basically everyone who has ever been asked has said xeppa is a fantastic teammate and yet half the fans just think he's terrible. i guess they forgot C9 were actually one of the best americas teams both franchise years domestically and looked very promising too

Sacy, lakia, foxy9, mindfreak, c0m, and so many others. Zellsis seems to get a free pass because of his great comms and vibes (valid) but why does nobody else?

Nobody cares that demon1 is a notoriously quiet bad communicator but everyone cares when c0m has a negative k/d. They both won champs but one of them had a pretty great 2nd season after EG and the other didn't - which was that again? Right it was the vibes/comms guy not the MVP. no hate on demon1 or anything just serves as a useful example. Sacy won madrid and champs, lakia won APAC's first international but we're all so certain they were the problems?


Its because stats are the best way to look at someone performance without actually watching the games

Players like lakia were high impact but low on kills but people just care about stats.


the fact someone immediately tried to downvote this is hilarious to me


Coz good aim 'can't be learnt' in a day or month
But learning lineUps and using utils can be learnt if the player is open minded
Supporting is crucial but also fairly easier than explosively entering the site and taking head on first duels

A diamond player can also learn to play sova same way as c0m does, learning lineUps and shock dart, with practice he will also comm with team and improve his timings

But Aim is what takes most time to develop
C0m > diamond plyr coz his aim is better along with utils than dat diamond

IGLs only get the free pass


maybe in pro-play things are different but as far as ranked goes far more people are held back by things that fall into "game sense" (util usage, timings, awareness, etc) compared to simple aim diff - at least after you get out of silver/gold level. getting to gold maybe more mechs. so im not sure this is really true it's a lot more than just learning lineups

if you think this is incorrect look at almost any coaching vod (many quality valorant coaches) for players above gold/plat they aren't talking much about aim trainers

maybe once you reach semi-pro level and want to become a top tier pro the balance changes again back into aim being harder i can't say since im clearly not a pro player but i think everyone just hyper focuses on aim both when watching pro and also when playing themselves because it's simply the easiest thing to see and attach emotion to

i died -> aim diff

much easier than asking yourself why you were standing there in the first place or why you didnt ask for teammate flash/smoke to help or anything at all


holy shit you are the stupidest human on this planet, expected from a pr0mm0e cocksucker.
bro said aim is the hardest thing to develop. insane stupidity.


zellpiss does NOT get a free pass


doesn't he? i've barely seen any sen fans talk poorly of him while sacy you could see hate everywhere


that's only sen fans because zellsis "buy the bundle" is raking in money for that org


if you have high acs you are playing a good game and often a high acs will result in a win. if you're playing bad/team is having a bad game you will have lower ACS than the enemies. quick way to see what players are performing well and how much better they are than the rest of the lobby


then everyone would just play duelist because that's the easiest way to get ACS and have a good game. supportive util is necessary in all/most capacities (smokes, flash, recon, senti, heal, walls, etc)

If I skye flash for my raze to get a kill on a guy who is full blind he gets (almost) all the ACS for a literal free kill. does that mean he was better than me in that play? then i should pick jett instead and we both just rush the guy no flash and take the fight for ACS


Biased examples tbh, Sacy won champs as a heavy fragger and an mvp candidate, and c0m had insane fraggers on his team and good org support. Lakia went positive at masters shanghai and was also impavtdul with his gun. I would argue that every team that won thsi year not only out utiled and out stratted teams but also had better mechanics and didnt have major slackers dropping 0.8s and 0.6s . NRG didn't even have a proper igl and I am sorry but victor crashies and marved are not a 2024 superteam core. I care about kd because we are playing an fps game, if leo can do it on sova you can do it too. I think having good mechanics and being confident in fighting wins games and allows you to make more plays, if you are very sacrificial and think that you can compensate for tour low number with util you are not a complete player and you are limiting yourself and your team.


yeah that makes a lot of sense and im not saying people should ignore k/d or ACS but it bothers me when that's the only thing they consider. as you say it's important to be a complete player which means more than just getting high frags - not to mention it would be 10x harder for the aspas, texture, zekken of vct to get those frags without the supportive util and the calls

this may well be a high number but as an example if oxy has 25 kills and 10 of those are on blinded or stunned opponents from xeppa's util that is equally important impact from xeppa that wont net him any k/d, oxy just claimed free kills. xeppa himself needs to be able to shoot of course and i agree that having better mechanics opens more doors for you in terms of possibilities but nobody will credit xeppa for giving oxy literal free kills and they will 100% credit oxy for getting blind/stun kills. Oxy is fantastic dont get me wrong but using only k/d as a metric for player skill is so biased in favour of certain roles and basically gives everyon a free license to dump on players who enable those guys to get the kills in the first place


That's no league.That's FPS and u have to KILL someone


yep, and many of these kills the opponent is stunned, flashed, behind a smoke, scanned by sova/fade/cypher or something similar. if i spend 40% of each round using support utility for my duelist then of course they will have better k/d. does that mean he is having more game impact? maybe, maybe not. if i don't use my flashes for him then he has worse k/d while mine will get better because i take more fights myself

damage is a great indicator of value but it's too limiting to be considered as the only thing


Honestly, it does not really show anything unless the numbers are either really really good or really really bad.


Because a kill is very consistently the most impactful thing in a round


Demon1 was not only the best aimer in the game, but he also had great support from Ethan C0m Boostio and Jawgemo. It's the team's chemistry and synergy that made him shine, plus also makes a team GREAT.

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