Relegation system like football?

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The new relegation system should not only apply to the ascension teams but the main 10 teams as well.. There are so many partnership teams that are not performing well and make it look like they are wasting space.

Maybe form a European football like format of relegating last position team and replace them with ascension winner. because ascended teams worked hard for their spot in T-1 and having them stay in T-1 based on their qualification to international event otherwise relegation seems unfair when there are teams that are performing worse than those ascended teams in T-1.

Ik the fact that rito does needs teams which are stable in the partnership program with big fundings to support players, but the ascension format completely doesn't make sense.


i cosign


The main issue with this is that certain regions can shrink over time, even to the point of non existence. You can argue that it might just be a 'skill issue' but the reality is if VCT wants to succeed it needs to draw in viewership from across the globe, and making it so regions that aren't as competitive don't have a chance to develop in tier 1 really limits that.
Plus that's not even part of the financial argument, what makes VCT tier 1 so attractive is that it's one of the few esports leagues which may actually be able to turn a profit, and the only way to do that is through long term stability. I agree that tier 2 doesn't make sense right now but relegation would make tier 1 not make sense in the way it's been envisioned. It took football 100's of years to add relegation. I don't think it'll be a wise move until maybe like 10 years down the line or so before relegation can be seen as a viable option for VCT, it's simply too small for now


Every single time someone posts this I comeback to the same shit

Imagine that was the case from the beginning. This year instead of TH and KC with big fanbases and great rosters we would have Apeks and Acend with not only mid rosters but also 3 fans combined. Is that what you really want? Really?


Think of it from the perspective of the org owner of C9. The VCT system is a partnership league and Riot offers financial support, without which we might not have VCT. C9 are offered consistent money and stability within the partnership league, which allows them to pay their players and staff. If relegation is introduced then C9's future is uncertain and unstable. They can be kicked every year and in the current esports climate, it is not sustainable nor feasible for org owners and investors to participate in a relegation league.


been saying this for a while, unfortunately it makes too much sense for riot to do it


franchising is better in long term
for example, M8 is considering withdrawing from Valorant if they are relegated this year because they doesnt understand the point of going back to VCL when they have already invested a LOT of money in a bootcamp + players only to lose it all if you have a bad season

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