Flag: India
Registered: May 25, 2024
Last post: September 15, 2024 at 4:23 PM
Posts: 19

who's next? Zellsis?

posted 13 hours ago

Just woke up and saw this.. Day ruined T_T
o7 Thanks for everything tho, all the best for your future GOAT!!

posted 1 day ago

IDK who wins but it'll be a banger LFG!!!

posted 3 weeks ago

Heretics for the love of god. Please ban icebox against LEV.

posted 3 weeks ago

Great game.. well played by both of them Heretics were better this time

posted 3 weeks ago

Ardiis is supporting China EDG today.. AINTNOWAY EDG are winning this :((

posted 3 weeks ago

Only thing I hate about sentinels is their fans

posted 1 month ago

itopata sub in for mazino lev lose 2-0 to zywoo's vitality

posted 1 month ago

EDG lost the game when they lost Haven.. after that it all went down

posted 1 month ago

why are people downvoting this?? he is not criticising 😭 it is just a statement describing how people think. If someone loses a match people don't leave a chance to criticize them

posted 1 month ago

W answers. TBH people looking down on China as a region is wild. And now that a Chinese team defeated other region it's called an upset. FPX Vs. TH match was really close on all maps and if FPX would've won all will talk about TH upsetting, but everybody knows how strong FPX is.

posted 1 month ago

Next week's matchups will be interesting

posted 1 month ago

your username perfectly describes life's performance

posted 1 month ago

bro getting the disability quota soon.

posted 2 months ago