is it today ?
kalayav_n [#7]LEV just talked to me, its LEV TEX, LEV COM, LEV KINGG, LEV DEMON1, LEV KALAYAVAN
I regret to inform you but they dropped kalayavan in favour of Pengu12
Pengu12 [#9]I regret to inform you but they dropped kalayavan in favour of Pengu12
I regret to inform you but they dropped Pengu12 in favour of trembolonaRage who will show the whole world that Baitpas was just another fraud
IHaveAnswers [#11]I regret to inform you but they dropped Pengu12 in favour of trembolonaRage who will show the whole world that Baitpas was just another fraud
i know that's false because he won't join any org other than furia to play with his idol mwzera
guuz [#12]From the org's POV, there's no incentive to announce early right? they're probably taking more time to finalize the best rosters possible
are they still able to make the move or today is the line
xineFso [#14]are they still able to make the move or today is the line
I think today is the transfer open
Mortadelo [#6]I’m pretty sure it depends on the league. It is at 9am on each leagues hub. So APAC, China and EMEA are open. Americas opens in 1h
americas opens at 9 LA right? so in an hour and a half?
kalayav_n [#7]LEV just talked to me, its LEV TEX, LEV COM, LEV KINGG, LEV DEMON1, LEV KALAYAVAN
Whos the 5th player? Why are you including toilet cleaner's name in the roaster?
thenutoriousPRO [#16]americas opens at 9 LA right? so in an hour and a half?
bro read the fine print
BairyHalls [#17]Whos the 5th player? Why are you including toilet cleaner's name in the roaster?
didnt include your mothers name so idk why ur on about cleaners name
trvnq [#13]i know that's false because he won't join any org other than furia to play with his idol mwzera
You forgot KRU to play with his true father keznit
kalayav_n [#20]didnt include your mothers name so idk why ur on about cleaners name
Keep projecting cleaner , keep projecting
You gotta do better than copy , weak ass.
No wonder intelligence lost the race against you
BairyHalls [#23]Keep projecting cleaner , keep projecting
You gotta do better than copy , weak ass.
No wonder intelligence lost the race against you
you're mother unfortunately had you, i dont think i lost any race
kalayav_n [#24]you're mother unfortunately had you, i dont think i lost any race
You are proving my point. I said you didn't lose the race. Intelligence lost to your stupidy.
BairyHalls [#25]You are proving my point. I said you didn't lose the race. Intelligence lost to your stupidy.
i think your mentally challenged, how would intelligence lose the race against me? not so intelligent is it. its okay though your mother is a very good cleaner
thenutoriousPRO [#16]americas opens at 9 LA right? so in an hour and a half?
Yeah you’re right mb, I was thinking east coast for some reason. But yeah the hub is in LA
kalayav_n [#26]i think your mentally challenged, how would intelligence lose the race against me? not so intelligent is it. its okay though your mother is a very good cleaner
Cant believe you won against beetlejuice in stupidity.
Learn English please . Or no schools where you live in? In that case go to youtube there are free english lessons available also it will help you gain some intelligence 🤗
BairyHalls [#28]Cant believe you won against beetlejuice in stupidity.
Learn English please . Or no schools where you live in? In that case go to youtube there are free english lessons available also it will help you gain some intelligence 🤗
just answer the question how does intelligence losing a race to me make me unintelligent? i think you're challenged bruh
xineFso [#14]are they still able to make the move or today is the line
yeah today is the ~starting~ line 💀
not sure about the transfer deadline, just expect the earlier announcements from teams in more offseason tournaments