RocketBullet come here

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Don't let all that's going on effect you,

I feel like you being allowed to do whatever you feel is needed in the community (or even just out of your own personal interest)
in peace is crucial to a healthy community.

Migrate here, make an alt or some shit, the real val nerds are here, it's much better than fucking "vct twitter"
we have kyria and n1cf here, you ain't getting that kinda audience anywhere else.

Jokes aside, keep doing what you like doing with your chin up .
and remember to piss on your tree daily


how do we know rocketbullets sees this?? we need to make him see this

idkmanwth [#2]

how do we know rocketbullets sees this?? we need to make him see this

let’s go to his house then

meanie [#3]

let’s go to his house then

im curious how do they get his address lol. a faceless twitter account. that actually lowk skillful

meanie [#3]

let’s go to his house then


meanie [#3]

let’s go to his house then

bro's already scared enough that someone might pull up to his house

zhongZHI [#4]

im curious how do they get his address lol. a faceless twitter account. that actually lowk skillful

there are many other methods then just geoguessr the first one that comes to mind is ip logger link or sum

Boketto [#7]

there are many other methods then just geoguessr the first one that comes to mind is ip logger link or sum

knock on the door of every house itw and be like hey are you rocketbullet is another possible method

meanie [#3]

let’s go to his house then

this aint it

trikecycle [#8]

knock on the door of every house itw and be like hey are you rocketbullet is another possible method

If you really want rocketbullets address then you are probably allergic to going outside

idkmanwth [#6]

bro's already scared enough that someone might pull up to his house

you think a bunch of twitter retards are fr gonna show up to his house?


what the fuck happened

Frogger0_0 [#12]

what the fuck happened

Long story short, he deleted his Twitter account because he was getting death threats and was also getting sent pictures of his house with threats to doxx him

SuperRoss [#11]

you think a bunch of twitter retards are fr gonna show up to his house?

im sure the doxxers are just skinny weak ass cunts, but that doesnt change the fact that admin is a kid and is rightfully scared due to the doxxinh

idkmanwth [#6]

bro's already scared enough that someone might pull up to his house

probably worried about swatting tbh

Frogger0_0 [#12]

what the fuck happened

Heard some guy got ostracised, doxxed and even received death threats over his reportage on roster transfers, and i don't like that.

Frankly, it looked to me like the guy put a lot of effort into what he did, on top of the fact he's apparently very young and he must be in a much tougher spot than most.

This whole situation fucking sucks and lowkey exposes the toxic environment that is val esports for what it is.

I also can't even fucking believe this whole thing happened over something so fucking meaningless, like get a grip man.

idkmanwth [#2]

how do we know rocketbullets sees this?? we need to make him see this

If he was as deep into val esports as i expect he should see this


can someone give me a name who give him false info for roster update, the one who need to be doxxed is him lol

RZM [#18]

can someone give me a name who give him false info for roster update, the one who need to be doxxed is him lol

Who cars

RZM [#18]

can someone give me a name who give him false info for roster update, the one who need to be doxxed is him lol



Bruh nobody cares about the guy, the guy is a loser first of all for posting dumbass spreadsheets on twitter. And then when the whole community told him to stop doing it AND after being exposed for being a fraud he continues to provoke people. He kinda forced the situation on himself

Whoever doxxed him is a bigger loser than this rocketbullet guy tho, imagine being THAT pressed about a spreadsheet from some rando on twitter lol

Reddit already has banned all posts about the guy, VLR should do the same. Im tired of seeing his name everywhere

SunnyFromVLR [#21]

Bruh nobody cares about the guy, the guy is a loser first of all for posting dumbass spreadsheets on twitter. And then when the whole community told him to stop doing it AND after being exposed for being a fraud he continues to provoke people. He kinda forced the situation on himself

Whoever doxxed him is a bigger loser than this rocketbullet guy tho, imagine being THAT pressed about a spreadsheet from some rando on twitter lol

Reddit already has banned all posts about the guy, VLR should do the same. Im tired of seeing his name everywhere

The guy just tried to do what he dreamed of and got bullied off the internet, it's actually sad what this community will do to people that just try to put in effort to do what they really want to

The guy's a high school student and gets bullied online for just trying his best

PokeKidMax [#22]

The guy just tried to do what he dreamed of and got bullied off the internet, it's actually sad what this community will do to people that just try to put in effort to do what they really want to

The guy's a high school student and gets bullied online for just trying his best

XD ?
Trying to be annoying is what he was doing, after being exposed alot of people like geroge and stuff whos actually doing reporting told him they could help him. Well clearly he still went ahead and wanted to troll people on the internet until someone got him back

PokeKidMax [#22]

The guy just tried to do what he dreamed of and got bullied off the internet, it's actually sad what this community will do to people that just try to put in effort to do what they really want to

The guy's a high school student and gets bullied online for just trying his best

its twitter, why you guys still use that shit all 'people there knows to do is flaming people thats why i nrver created one account there its just a shitty place to be

SunnyFromVLR [#23]

XD ?
Trying to be annoying is what he was doing, after being exposed alot of people like geroge and stuff whos actually doing reporting told him they could help him. Well clearly he still went ahead and wanted to troll people on the internet until someone got him back

If you're being annoyed by someone getting something wrong on a Valorant spreadsheet, you gotta fix something in your life for sure

zhongZHI [#4]

im curious how do they get his address lol. a faceless twitter account. that actually lowk skillful

if u know what ur doing it actually is not hard for the people who actually knows their shit

PokeKidMax [#25]

If you're being annoyed by someone getting something wrong on a Valorant spreadsheet, you gotta fix something in your life for sure

if he was actually trying he could have done things the right way getting information from actual sources and not some guy with 2 followers on twitter brother
and I aint annoyed, I couldnt care less but people like u defend him like hes an innocent kid who
didnt know what he was doing is funny

Marhuee [#24]

its twitter, why you guys still use that shit all 'people there knows to do is flaming people thats why i nrver created one account there its just a shitty place to be

legit, twitter is just brainrot

SunnyFromVLR [#21]

Bruh nobody cares about the guy, the guy is a loser first of all for posting dumbass spreadsheets on twitter. And then when the whole community told him to stop doing it AND after being exposed for being a fraud he continues to provoke people. He kinda forced the situation on himself

Whoever doxxed him is a bigger loser than this rocketbullet guy tho, imagine being THAT pressed about a spreadsheet from some rando on twitter lol

Reddit already has banned all posts about the guy, VLR should do the same. Im tired of seeing his name everywhere

Idc, shit was too far,

I agree fucking val esport roster mania spreadsheets are fucking stupid but if that's what he feels inspired to make, he should be able to do so in peace.

You think his spreadsheets suck? Let others know and ignore him, but no one should go through something like that.

I couldn't care less about the spreadsheets, but this sets a standard for how people trying to do whatever they want to do around the community is treated, and it's not a good one.

And relax, you'll see less of him as time goes on and we collectively stop caring, right?

Marhuee [#24]

its twitter, why you guys still use that shit all 'people there knows to do is flaming people thats why i nrver created one account there its just a shitty place to be

Plus 1


Honestly, it's sickening to see all these hypocrites switching up after he gets doxxed. So many of you guys were just as bad talking shit. Have some self-respect for yourselves. Do you have no shame? This would've never gotten to this point if you guys were less immature and fed the flames. Lack of self awareness is gross.

Chunkio [#20]


not even say anything? he try the best he can coz no one making spreadsheets rn and you troll him like that? shame on u brother

crocodilemaniac [#31]

Honestly, it's sickening to see all these hypocrites switching up after he gets doxxed. So many of you guys were just as bad talking shit. Have some self-respect for yourselves. Do you have no shame? This would've never gotten to this point if you guys were less immature and fed the flames. Lack of self awareness is gross.

Have you ever seen me discuss him before?

a KID got ostracised, doxxed and received death threats over a fucking vct transfer chart,

that's when we start caring.

Account with half a star and 54 posts talking about some self respect and maturity like they ain't foreign concepts to you,
say what you gotta say without hiding behind an alt retard.

SuperRoss [#16]

Heard some guy got ostracised, doxxed and even received death threats over his reportage on roster transfers, and i don't like that.

Frankly, it looked to me like the guy put a lot of effort into what he did, on top of the fact he's apparently very young and he must be in a much tougher spot than most.

This whole situation fucking sucks and lowkey exposes the toxic environment that is val esports for what it is.

I also can't even fucking believe this whole thing happened over something so fucking meaningless, like get a grip man.

this community is fucked

RZM [#32]

not even say anything? he try the best he can coz no one making spreadsheets rn and you troll him like that? shame on u brother

???????????????????????? what

Frogger0_0 [#34]

this community is fucked

Has been, sadly

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