Fix Ascension import rule

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2 import per team is insane in VCT CN Ascension. Im going to say it right here (I dont know a lot about CN FPS but i think people can agree on this): All the talented CN players are in the CrossFire scene, or they are just not discovered by Ascension teams. Also Chinese parents does not encourage teenagers to choose an Esport career because you relatively have to take more risks and responsibilities than an Esports career in Americas. Causing the lack of talent in CN FPS scene. That causes the rise of imports from other regions, mainly choosing to play in China because teams are desperate to find good players and they pay a lot for highly skilled players. This causes not much teams in China being fully Chinese. Even teams with imports are hardly finding success because of the communication problems and team synergy. I beg Riot to minimize or change the amount of import players allowed on a single vct cn Ascension team. Letting them get used of the franchised league is way better for the teams themselves, for example the RA core, they had a significant downfall because yoman (Their former IGL) couldnt play with them in franchising because they already have stew as an import.
Fixing this rule also encourages young chinese talent to choose a career in valorant because they get more opportunities and offers from bigger orgs


I've said this before pegging "2 imports" rule as a standard for every tier 2 is a mistake, because it offers short term success rather than the long term.

It should've been adjustable.

But I understand why riot is afraid to do that.


esports careers are objectively better in china/japan/korea than in the US

you're just spouting nonsense, the chinese government literally funds internet cafes, so does jp/kr

gaming is engrained in culture there, its just that league and OW is bigger in china rn, theres nothing they can do ab it

gamergirl [#3]

esports careers are objectively better in china/japan/korea than in the US

you're just spouting nonsense, the chinese government literally funds internet cafes, so does jp/kr

gaming is engrained in culture there, its just that league and OW is bigger in china rn, theres nothing they can do ab it

its probably a reaction to one of the edg players saying their mother did not want them to play esports, agree with you here


Technically, the idea behind the two imports rule is that they would import a player from the same region but not the same country (I think). The one import rule for franchising is to allow for cross-regional imports, such as something to PRX or jemkin to RRQ. Meanwhile, the import rule in T2 would allow for teams to run a more ideal team within the region (obviously, that isn't what happens). I think the best example of this is VCJ with how a lot of teams import two Korean players. In T2 China's case, the 'imports' should ideally be from Taiwan/HK/maybe Mongolia since they do have their own league.

gamergirl [#3]

esports careers are objectively better in china/japan/korea than in the US

you're just spouting nonsense, the chinese government literally funds internet cafes, so does jp/kr

gaming is engrained in culture there, its just that league and OW is bigger in china rn, theres nothing they can do ab it

facts, and additionally there's 1.4 billion people in china compared to 330 mil in the usa, and china can't give india's excuse of no pc players because china literally invests in pc cafes

Upstander123 [#5]

Technically, the idea behind the two imports rule is that they would import a player from the same region but not the same country (I think). The one import rule for franchising is to allow for cross-regional imports, such as something to PRX or jemkin to RRQ. Meanwhile, the import rule in T2 would allow for teams to run a more ideal team within the region (obviously, that isn't what happens). I think the best example of this is VCJ with how a lot of teams import two Korean players. In T2 China's case, the 'imports' should ideally be from Taiwan/HK/maybe Mongolia since they do have their own league.

Mongolians don't speak mandarin
hktw imports is understandable

Anzaldinho [#7]

Mongolians don't speak mandarin
hktw imports is understandable

Yeah ik, but Mongolian players are cracked enough to warrant having them on the team if they don't count as an import in t1.


Tbh 2 imports would be alright to me as long as it was also standard for t1 which it isn't so there's no point of having 2 imports since you're just ruining your team once you actually make t1


The assessment that its the higher risk causing imports is just false. There is no country where your parents will encourage you to go into esports and in all of them you end up fucking yourself over for many years if you try.

The reason you get imports is because your tier 2 is still shit. And that's fine, it will get better.
Imports accelerate that improvement, by driving the average level of play in t2 higher.
Given your insane population, solid player-base, and riots rules being SUPER in favor of developing your local talent (you guys are a standalone region. The 2 split rule other Challenger Leagues have doesnt apply to you guys, since all imports are non residents to the region as a whole rather than imports to only the Challengers League -> it is actually capped to 2 per team), I dont see a world where imports will ever be able to drown out local talent and development.

The amount of imports will get better as your scene establishes itself in Valorant, dont worry. Rn your t2 is easily the weakest, by the end of 2026 I wouldnt put money on (for example) Malaysia/Singapore beating you.

Tldr: Imports are good for making your region catch up faster. Rules protect your region from ever being overwhelmed by imports. Chinas player-base is big enough that t2 will outgrow imports being the center piece of every team.

Upstander123 [#8]

Yeah ik, but Mongolian players are cracked enough to warrant having them on the team if they don't count as an import in t1.

we are NOT that good bro

Anzaldinho [#11]

we are NOT that good bro

Team Kobolds was them bro. I have faith.

gamergirl [#3]

esports careers are objectively better in china/japan/korea than in the US

you're just spouting nonsense, the chinese government literally funds internet cafes, so does jp/kr

gaming is engrained in culture there, its just that league and OW is bigger in china rn, theres nothing they can do ab it

Spouting nonsense is crazy
First of all it is true that internet cafes are very popular within the APAC but
Saying overwatch is bigger in china is crazy. U have no understanding in CN esports in general. Overwatch became silent after chinese servers are closed by blizzard. Second of all esports careers are NOT objectively better in APAC because 1. Tough education system 2, Disagreement from parent 3. Not enough opportunities given by orgs. I lived in china for 12 years and i can confirm that working in the esport scene is not encouraged by anyone other than yourself.

nobody___100 [#6]

facts, and additionally there's 1.4 billion people in china compared to 330 mil in the usa, and china can't give india's excuse of no pc players because china literally invests in pc cafes

1.4 billion > 300 million meaning less opportunities given to cracked players to prove themselves

  • esport is not a common thing in our culture
  • it is hard to get support from anyone since esports achademy arent really popularized yet
  • Tough education systems that limits the amount of time u spend on gaming
nobody___100 [#6]

facts, and additionally there's 1.4 billion people in china compared to 330 mil in the usa, and china can't give india's excuse of no pc players because china literally invests in pc cafes

you have to be 18 to play in pc cafe

source: i went and saw for myself

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