The ACTUAL problem with Franchising

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Just feels like a weird hybrid of both a closed and open league. 40 teams have guaranteed slots for seemingly the rest of the duration of the league so there's only 8 teams that will have the pressure to perform. Riot should either implement a closed league (not my personal favorite) meaning all 30-36 teams are guaranteed forever and restructure T2 to include academies as well as run T2 through the T1 off season OR have an open league (my favorite) where 1 team from each region gets relegated each season whilst the 2nd worst team of their region plays in a promotion/relegation playoff of the ascension runner up.

Also in either an open, closed, or mixed league academies should be focused. Whether its like how EG did their 10 man roster or how VCJ teams have like 5-10 players at least in their academy that are super young these should be prioritized.


you know china exists right? so its 40 teams and 8 ascension teams.
also i do think that only having 2 slots per region change yearly is a bad system, but unfortunately riot said that they are not reevaluating contracts until 2027


previously the leagues were supposed to keep expanding to 13 and 14 but riot has decided to cap at 12 :/


ye but that is after they added a whole region
max amount of slots increased from the planned 42 to 48 so its sorta understandable




yea the last team should be relegated and the ascension winning team should be promoted and the 2nd last team should match up with the ascension runner-up, who so ever wins should be given the slot


Yea I would prefer having it be more open for sure, 2022 split 1 Emea format was borderline perfect (https://www.vlr.gg/event/854/champions-tour-stage-1-emea-challengers/group-stage into https://www.vlr.gg/event/885/champions-tour-europe-stage-1-promotion)
BUT Riot has been very clear with their goals. Franchise does achieve them. The big problem is that it screws over t2 and makes it very hard to incentivize orgs to partake in that.

I am worried what will happen after 2027 (after the revaluation of teams is done and theres another long break where ascension is the only way to get into t1), but the current improvements we've been getting in EMEA t2 have filled me with optimism that Riot will keep listening to the concerns of the orgs and TOs, and change stuff accordingly.

Removing this entry into t1 completely is a bad idea imo.

We will see ig. Just keep calling out issues as they happen and things will work out in the long(er) run

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