Vyse is mid

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Her abilities apart from her ult is mid, like the wall you can just juke out and the mollies are terrible, and the flash can be dodged pretty easily in higher elo. The only good thing is the ult but thats what people said about deadlock on release...


Lol u are mid bro


She's not even out yet


both the wall and the flash are insane bro

apart from the wall being literally 200 credits, you can place it in completely open areas that would be simply too dumb to jump peek but can still slow down a full site hit, not to mention that it pushes people to either side of the wall and not on top of it as a sage wall would

the flash can be dodged, yeah, but if it hits someone it makes a sound cue so it can also gather info. if you take it back the moment you flash, it has like a 15 second cooldown. you can also pop the flash without having to look at it or performing any animation so you can instantly swing

all in all, vyse certainly does not look mid

shrike- [#4]

both the wall and the flash are insane bro

apart from the wall being literally 200 credits, you can place it in completely open areas that would be simply too dumb to jump peek but can still slow down a full site hit, not to mention that it pushes people to either side of the wall and not on top of it as a sage wall would

the flash can be dodged, yeah, but if it hits someone it makes a sound cue so it can also gather info. if you take it back the moment you flash, it has like a 15 second cooldown. you can also pop the flash without having to look at it or performing any animation so you can instantly swing

all in all, vyse certainly does not look mid

In ranked vyse will be decent, but in pro play I don't see her having more value than deadlock, for example, because there are not that many rushes in vct anyways, and they will reduce even more when vyse is played to counter her wall and mollies.


i wonder if her flash device can be picked up during mid round, just like cypher tripwire and chamber trap

Netaerht333 [#6]

i wonder if her flash device can be picked up during mid round, just like cypher tripwire and chamber trap

yes it can. it also has a wide range for pickup and you dont even need to be in direct line of sight too for it.


the flash makes noise when people are hit and its reusable lmao its pretty damn good


Her wall is not mid
Even if u juke it out then it will stop the site push for a few seconds giving extra time for your team to rotate
Plus you can place it in areas where if you jump peek you will be vulnerable af and easy to kill

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