Ok so i've seen people say the wall is bad and i completely disagree:
"You can jump spot it" - Well in that case it worked just like a Killjoy alarmbot except better since it also gives you 5 seconds to react to the information that someone was there + doesnt have a working range + cant be destroyed + cant be smoked of or flashed.
"It's useless on attack" - Insane take since it can be used just like a cypher trip to watch flank and its AGAIN even better because it cant be destroyed. Also it's fucking insane for postplant since it can stop the enemy retake and even stop people from defusing if you set the plant properly
"Multiple people can cross it instead of just one" - First of all this really hard to do since the wall goes up really fast, but even if they do, then they just gave you the opportunity to make the perfect trap play since they cant go back now and if you util dump them correctly well basically you won the round
Overall i think Vyse's wall is actually one of the BEST abilities in the entire game because of how cheap and flexible it is. Its basically a better version of every trip in the game. There's a million ways to use it and in every single one of them you get some value.