Yay hate

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Man doesnt deserve it. He was one of the best players in the world. Esports player of the year 2022. The goat of chamber. Masters Reykjavik 2022 winner Masters Copenhagen 2022 thrid place Champions 2022 runners up. He was the undisputed goat of valorant in 2022. He got signed by C9, did pretty good and immediately dropped after 2 games in LOCK IN. Had to play in Tier 2 because no tier one teams would sign him after Clout9 dropping him for fund and role issues XD. Finding no wins in tier 2 and got called out for being toxic with him teammates. Went to Pacific after a disappointing run in challengers, had to flex on different character that is not in his comfort zone. Not getting dumped and laughed at for felling off.
Is Yay a good player right now? Probably not does he deserve the title y0y? Probably not


That happens with any player that is really good. As soon as they slip they get made fun of, so not something unique. When SEN was struggling in 2022 and 2023 Tenz was getting crazy shit from people, and even aspas gets shit as soon as he has one rough map lol.

AlexSMTx [#2]

That happens with any player that is really good. As soon as they slip they get made fun of, so not something unique. When SEN was struggling in 2022 and 2023 Tenz was getting crazy shit from people, and even aspas gets shit as soon as he has one rough map lol.




dude the dsg drama is so fucking stupid, literally the actual big allegation about the bribery has 0 evidence and the clips that were posted werent even bad. like yeah he was rude but im willing to bet every pro have been rude to a teammate before. 2023 and 2024 yay just landed in shitshows after shitshows. like got dropped from c9 despite having a decent performance, dsg was already fucked internally before he joined whether it be chemistry or roles or just players leaving and dropping, and then turns out bleed also had internal issues and he got blamed for the whole thing because he picked a side.

GhostKing44 [#4]

dude the dsg drama is so fucking stupid, literally the actual big allegation about the bribery has 0 evidence and the clips that were posted werent even bad. like yeah he was rude but im willing to bet every pro have been rude to a teammate before. 2023 and 2024 yay just landed in shitshows after shitshows. like got dropped from c9 despite having a decent performance, dsg was already fucked internally before he joined whether it be chemistry or roles or just players leaving and dropping, and then turns out bleed also had internal issues and he got blamed for the whole thing because he picked a side.

Dude was probably joking to the coach “I’ll pay you 10gs to get that bum off the team.”

Dude was a bum and yay was just irritated.

Anyone that thinks he truely tried to bribe the coach to kick a player is weird

GhostKing44 [#4]

dude the dsg drama is so fucking stupid, literally the actual big allegation about the bribery has 0 evidence and the clips that were posted werent even bad. like yeah he was rude but im willing to bet every pro have been rude to a teammate before. 2023 and 2024 yay just landed in shitshows after shitshows. like got dropped from c9 despite having a decent performance, dsg was already fucked internally before he joined whether it be chemistry or roles or just players leaving and dropping, and then turns out bleed also had internal issues and he got blamed for the whole thing because he picked a side.

The only evidence was the stupid discord ss that has no prove. As far as i know yay is nice to everyone and defends his teammates when they are attacked


optic and c9 guys can literally vouch for him that he was a honest and nice person, idk how things on dsg went but despite the lack of cohesion and teamwork on bleed, his teammates there liked him too


y0y deserves the hate

BUFF163 [#8]

y0y deserves the hate


LouBag [#5]

Dude was probably joking to the coach “I’ll pay you 10gs to get that bum off the team.”

Dude was a bum and yay was just irritated.

Anyone that thinks he truely tried to bribe the coach to kick a player is weird

Kinda weird even as a joke


Get off his dick bruh. Cringe stans like you are the reason people hate him

kristof [#11]

Get off his dick bruh. Cringe stans like you are the reason people hate him

y1y owns you and me


y0y is too iconic even FNS says it

GhostKing44 [#4]

dude the dsg drama is so fucking stupid, literally the actual big allegation about the bribery has 0 evidence and the clips that were posted werent even bad. like yeah he was rude but im willing to bet every pro have been rude to a teammate before. 2023 and 2024 yay just landed in shitshows after shitshows. like got dropped from c9 despite having a decent performance, dsg was already fucked internally before he joined whether it be chemistry or roles or just players leaving and dropping, and then turns out bleed also had internal issues and he got blamed for the whole thing because he picked a side.

g0nghsta is truly a bum

kristof [#11]

Get off his dick bruh. Cringe stans like you are the reason people hate him

krist0f theres a thing called being a fan of a player instead of meat riding everyone lmao

nihso [#13]

y0y is too iconic even FNS says it


GhostKing44 [#4]

dude the dsg drama is so fucking stupid, literally the actual big allegation about the bribery has 0 evidence and the clips that were posted werent even bad. like yeah he was rude but im willing to bet every pro have been rude to a teammate before. 2023 and 2024 yay just landed in shitshows after shitshows. like got dropped from c9 despite having a decent performance, dsg was already fucked internally before he joined whether it be chemistry or roles or just players leaving and dropping, and then turns out bleed also had internal issues and he got blamed for the whole thing because he picked a side.

Genghsta was sitting on the bribery allegation for months and the best he could come up with is a screenshot where they were talking about a VC they had.

Actually crazy that VLR took the side of Genghsta and Ocean (both are bums) because they didn't like yay.

AlexSMTx [#2]

That happens with any player that is really good. As soon as they slip they get made fun of, so not something unique. When SEN was struggling in 2022 and 2023 Tenz was getting crazy shit from people, and even aspas gets shit as soon as he has one rough map lol.

The same was true for Demon1 during Kickoff and Split 1. It's crazy how if a top-tier player starts to underperform, people automatically call them washed. It's very narrow-minded.

kristof [#10]

Kinda weird even as a joke

kinda funny as a joke

GhostKing44 [#4]

dude the dsg drama is so fucking stupid, literally the actual big allegation about the bribery has 0 evidence and the clips that were posted werent even bad. like yeah he was rude but im willing to bet every pro have been rude to a teammate before. 2023 and 2024 yay just landed in shitshows after shitshows. like got dropped from c9 despite having a decent performance, dsg was already fucked internally before he joined whether it be chemistry or roles or just players leaving and dropping, and then turns out bleed also had internal issues and he got blamed for the whole thing because he picked a side.

he was duoing with nerve a couple days so obviously not all his dsg teammates hate him. guy is legit unlucky

Anoymouse [#3]



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