"he has great utility" cope

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I keep seeing this being said for players with underwhelming fragging, NO ONE's utility is so good to justify being a bad fragger in 2024. it's funny how every player who underperforms and is well liked among the fans is said to have "good utility". e.g. c0m, sacy and lakia. meanwhile it's far more uncommon to see good fraggers receive the same praise, why? since the fans don't need to come up with such a retarded point to praise them. another person you can look at is crashies, he also has good utility but people still call for him to be dropped and call him bad, why? cause he isn't well liked.

it's time to stop the coping and just accept that your favorite player is washed, he could have perfect utility and it won't justify not shooting back in the majority of the games. nearly everybody in tier 1 playing on their role has "good utility" and the differences between them are nowhere near big enough to justify not being able to shoot back.

TLDR: "good utility" is just a way for fans to cope. there's more than enough talent out there that has great utility and can frag well

on that note, I think lakia is pretty good, c0m is garbage, and sacy is mediocre by tier 1 standards


Fr, I'm looking at you mako. Put up numbers or we , the vlr.gg community, will give the title of best smokes player oat to valyn or tenz.

unknown_trash [#2]

Fr, I'm looking at you mako. Put up numbers or we , the vlr.gg community, will give the title of best smokes player oat to valyn or tenz.

mako is an igl so it's a bit different but you have the spirit 🗿


so the ones with good utility are in champs and the fragger one isn't?


Lakia went 9/30

Sacy is playing good

C0m is getting back in form but 👍


crashies is valid. l0kia, b0tster, and s0cy are ass

ffwagashi [#4]

so the ones with good utility are in champs and the fragger one isn't?

there's plenty of fragging initiators/support players in champs
riens, nobody, trexx, trent, beyn (though he's inconsistent) and those are just the ones I can think of at the top of my head

and either way your argument is retarded, it's a team game. even if some of these players are individually underwhelming they can still make it to champs if they're on a good team (which they're hardly contributing to)

AstroGalaxy [#5]

Lakia went 9/30

Sacy is playing good

C0m is getting back in form but 👍

if s0cy can keep this up for the rest of the games I'll believe. c0m has had one good game for every ten bad ones, yeah no

uwukitten [#8]

if s0cy can keep this up for the rest of the games I'll believe. c0m has had one good game for every ten bad ones, yeah no

Just check his 90d stats?


I think its a lot more nuanced than you make it out to be. We have seen plenty of teams suceed without all 5 players being fraggers. I think the most obvious example is Optic back in 2022 where you saw both Victor and FNS often at the bottom of the leaderboard but they were still one of the most dominant teams we have seen so far in Valorant.

I think the simple fact of the matter is there are far more ways to contribute to a team in Valorant than there is in something like Counter Strike where all 5 players, IGL included need to be fragging out. You say that there is far more talent out there that can frag + put out util but all the players you have mentioned have proven why they deserve to be at a tier 1 level. C0M was EG's clutch player, Sacy was pretty much mvp level back in champs 2022 etc. On the topic of Sacy, he is having a steller tournament so far. I think if you let the others cook, they will show the same level of productivity they had in the past




well than why is it that all 3 of them at champs? and other teams dont

ppmcpoopoo [#10]

I think its a lot more nuanced than you make it out to be. We have seen plenty of teams suceed without all 5 players being fraggers. I think the most obvious example is Optic back in 2022 where you saw both Victor and FNS often at the bottom of the leaderboard but they were still one of the most dominant teams we have seen so far in Valorant.

I think the simple fact of the matter is there are far more ways to contribute to a team in Valorant than there is in something like Counter Strike where all 5 players, IGL included need to be fragging out. You say that there is far more talent out there that can frag + put out util but all the players you have mentioned have proven why they deserve to be at a tier 1 level. C0M was EG's clutch player, Sacy was pretty much mvp level back in champs 2022 etc. On the topic of Sacy, he is having a steller tournament so far. I think if you let the others cook, they will show the same level of productivity they had in the past

For the Optic argument, I feel that yay was able to make up for FNS and Victor's poor performance if it happened, and that might have been the reason why yay shone so bright during that chamber meta - because he was really fragging out.

dort [#6]

crashies is valid. l0kia, b0tster, and s0cy are ass

common dort W

ppmcpoopoo [#10]

I think its a lot more nuanced than you make it out to be. We have seen plenty of teams suceed without all 5 players being fraggers. I think the most obvious example is Optic back in 2022 where you saw both Victor and FNS often at the bottom of the leaderboard but they were still one of the most dominant teams we have seen so far in Valorant.

I think the simple fact of the matter is there are far more ways to contribute to a team in Valorant than there is in something like Counter Strike where all 5 players, IGL included need to be fragging out. You say that there is far more talent out there that can frag + put out util but all the players you have mentioned have proven why they deserve to be at a tier 1 level. C0M was EG's clutch player, Sacy was pretty much mvp level back in champs 2022 etc. On the topic of Sacy, he is having a steller tournament so far. I think if you let the others cook, they will show the same level of productivity they had in the past

I agree that the presence of more supportive "non-fragging" players is sometimes necessary in a team which is a role I think lakia fills well for gen.g. however for c0m and sacy I don't think their teams have enough firepower for them to be a good fit over a better fragger (you could argue lev has the firepower but all their players are quite inconsistent aside from aspas). I would say NRG was also in a similar position where crashies is a great support player but the team needs better firepower.

unknown_trash [#2]

Fr, I'm looking at you mako. Put up numbers or we , the vlr.gg community, will give the title of best smokes player oat to valyn or tenz.

no we wont do that lol

ppmcpoopoo [#10]

I think its a lot more nuanced than you make it out to be. We have seen plenty of teams suceed without all 5 players being fraggers. I think the most obvious example is Optic back in 2022 where you saw both Victor and FNS often at the bottom of the leaderboard but they were still one of the most dominant teams we have seen so far in Valorant.

I think the simple fact of the matter is there are far more ways to contribute to a team in Valorant than there is in something like Counter Strike where all 5 players, IGL included need to be fragging out. You say that there is far more talent out there that can frag + put out util but all the players you have mentioned have proven why they deserve to be at a tier 1 level. C0M was EG's clutch player, Sacy was pretty much mvp level back in champs 2022 etc. On the topic of Sacy, he is having a steller tournament so far. I think if you let the others cook, they will show the same level of productivity they had in the past

People often forgot thar for any Esport or Sport, point, goal, frag, isnt everthing, leadership, plan, adaptation, vibes, etc matter.

Like, if Sacy leaves Sen i would be more than happy, Sacy allways was a more suportive teamate than a fragger.
Like in Loud, he havent fragged, but was the one who worked at the players and their mentality.
Everytime Loud was allmost losing, Sacy pulled the respomsability and points every single mistake of the team and guide they to calm down.

Kodzy [#12]

well than why is it that all 3 of them at champs? and other teams dont

because other teams dont have an aspas zekken or t3xture.

uwukitten [#3]

mako is an igl so it's a bit different but you have the spirit 🗿

valyn has always been the igl

seofps [#18]

because other teams dont have an aspas zekken or t3xture.

they are able to do what they do because of the good support

Kodzy [#20]

they are able to do what they do because of the good support

but the only reason it works to their degree is because of them. think of teams with good util users more specifically initiators. G2 and Split 2 NRG for example. they have trent and tragedies who are one of the best initiators in NA of all time with good util usage, but neither one ofthese teams have a "zekken texture or aspas" level player. icy and vic on duelist are good, but nowhere near

Convoy [#19]

valyn has always been the igl

they hate on america cause we clear


Rare W from you

But this doesn’t apply to Leo

Leo does have the best util in the world

DownLoad_AimLabs [#22]

they hate on america cause we clear

there are 4 na players at chsmps left


Bro forgot about Leo that's crazy bruh 💀


was gonna agree but then you mentioned some of the best support players in the world bruhhhhh

gold2peak [#24]

there are 4 na players at chsmps left

only 2 teams made it out of groups from the "strongest region"

Cu55Ku55_______ [#25]

Bro forgot about Leo that's crazy bruh 💀

huh? the post mentioned people who are said to have "good utility" but don't frag well, leo has both. why would I mention him?


really depends on how the team is around them, with enough firepower in gen.g and fnatic's case, it works

cohnr [#29]

really depends on how the team is around them, with enough firepower in gen.g and fnatic's case, it works

fnatic is the worst example you could've used here, they don't have any players who are bad fraggers (aside from boaster who's an igl) and leo is the best initiator itw. I agree that it's fine with gen.g. just that despite it working, would gen.g not be significantly better if they had a player who could also frag well?

I think the game isn't so simple that they should always upgrade to the best player since I'm sure lakia has contributions we don't see so I wouldn't call for him to be dropped but his mediocre fragging is definitely deserving of criticism.

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