About pro players

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Why is it so difficult for some people to support a player or team solely based on their performance, rather than letting their personal life influence their perception? For example, if a professional gamer is a bad person in real life or does something wrong, why should that affect you? Why do you care? How does it impact your ability to appreciate the good plays they made or will make in future? I’m not specifically talking about Mazino here, but he serves as a good example of the point I’m trying to make. There are many ‘bad’ people in this world who do terrible things, but why do we, on vlr dot gg or Twitter dot com, feel the need to become the moral police? Did we admire the player because they were a good person, or because they were a skilled professional gamer? You all are too easily influenced by what others do. My advice is to adopt an ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude. Don’t let things that were never important in the first place influence you or change your mind.


so we're defending SA now


I like good people, i dont like bad people


shitty people are still shitty people no matter how godlike they are at a video game

either way mazino is innocent until proven otherwise so this didn’t need to be made lol


instructions unclear, adopted the mindset and now I don't give a FUCK about this post


I don't want to support someone who does bad things, because that matters more than them being good at a video game


Don’t cry when people get on your ass for supporting a person that had their allegations proven (I’m NOT talking about mazino here, this is a general statement)

Supporting a player who does that kind of stuff just shows what kind of morals you have. It doesn’t matter if they’re the best player in the world, if they have done very bad things that are proven then nobody sane will support them

askrial [#2]

so we're defending SA now

Be honest, is that really all you got from that?


this guy likes pancc or what


Lmao am I really seeing that flag defend abusers/sexual assault? Is this a parody account?


The same reason people don't like panccc, if someone is guilty of sexual misconduct or abuse, being in a position of power that comes from being a micro-celebrity is bad for people who he might prey on.

Mazino isn't guilty until he is proven so, but if he is guilty, he absolutely should have no place in esports.

Jarvuy [#8]

Be honest, is that really all you got from that?

no. i understand your point. i will not give a fuck if its small things like being mean to someone, bullying, etc. but something like SA is waaaaaaay too far.

catNmouse [#7]

Don’t cry when people get on your ass for supporting a person that had their allegations proven (I’m NOT talking about mazino here, this is a general statement)

Supporting a player who does that kind of stuff just shows what kind of morals you have. It doesn’t matter if they’re the best player in the world, if they have done very bad things that are proven then nobody sane will support them

I honestly won’t. Let’s take Messi for example. He’s a good football player. I love his play style and I enjoy watching his games. Turns out he was a serial killer, or something even worse. I do not care though? I liked him because of football, why would I let his personal actions which has nothing to do with the game change anything?

Jarvuy [#13]

I honestly won’t. Let’s take Messi for example. He’s a good football player. I love his play style and I enjoy watching his games. Turns out he was a serial killer, or something even worse. I do not care though? I liked him because of football, why would I let his personal actions which has nothing to do with the game change anything?

holy fuck its the most retarded shit i've seen all week
did you say you'd support someone even if they were a fucking serial killer?
holy shit you are fucked up

Jarvuy [#13]

I honestly won’t. Let’s take Messi for example. He’s a good football player. I love his play style and I enjoy watching his games. Turns out he was a serial killer, or something even worse. I do not care though? I liked him because of football, why would I let his personal actions which has nothing to do with the game change anything?

but like this is where we differ in opinion (on vlr??? unheard of). i would not want to support someone who has taken the lives of people, as i feel that what that person did was wrong. you are free to support him, but i will judge you on the fact that you are supporting a bad person.


there is a thing called ''morals''

nobody___100 [#14]

holy fuck its the most retarded shit i've seen all week
did you say you'd support someone even if they were a fucking serial killer?
holy shit you are fucked up

Do you have a comprehensive ability of a pre puberty kid or are you trolling?

Jarvuy [#13]

I honestly won’t. Let’s take Messi for example. He’s a good football player. I love his play style and I enjoy watching his games. Turns out he was a serial killer, or something even worse. I do not care though? I liked him because of football, why would I let his personal actions which has nothing to do with the game change anything?

“turns out he was a serial killer, i do not care though”

im gonna SHIT myself

Jarvuy [#13]

I honestly won’t. Let’s take Messi for example. He’s a good football player. I love his play style and I enjoy watching his games. Turns out he was a serial killer, or something even worse. I do not care though? I liked him because of football, why would I let his personal actions which has nothing to do with the game change anything?

Because at the end of the day they are still humans? These type of allegations can affect a persons career and if they’re out of competition.. you won’t be seeing them anymore and then you will have nothing to look forward to. Nobody would work with messi if he was a proven serial killer. It may not affect you (idk what your morals are) but just know it’s detrimental to these players

If you keep up this stance in the future and people find out, nobody would want to work with you lol

Jarvuy [#17]

Do you have a comprehensive ability of a pre puberty kid or are you trolling?

"Turns out he was a serial killer, or something even worse. I do not care though?"

need i say more?

askrial [#15]

but like this is where we differ in opinion (on vlr??? unheard of). i would not want to support someone who has taken the lives of people, as i feel that what that person did was wrong. you are free to support him, but i will judge you on the fact that you are supporting a bad person.

but would you not understand the fact that I’m supporting the person specifically because of something he is good in while not caring about things he’s done which has nothing to do with the reason I support him for?


Jesus bro

Log off

This is a very poorly thought out argument

Jarvuy [#21]

but would you not understand the fact that I’m supporting the person specifically because of something he is good in while not caring about things he’s done which has nothing to do with the reason I support him for?

That just means your morals are questionable. If messi killed someone you love would you still support him?

Jarvuy [#21]

but would you not understand the fact that I’m supporting the person specifically because of something he is good in while not caring about things he’s done which has nothing to do with the reason I support him for?

i would yes but i would still think that you shouldn't as even though the gameplay and the life of a person are different, they are still the same person and the person who is tapping heads, scoring goals, etc. is also SA-ing, murdering, and doing even worse.


Bros a big r kelly fan guys give him a break


no controversy at all

catNmouse [#23]

That just means your morals are questionable. If messi killed someone you love would you still support him?

No I would not because that’s getting personal. But if he kills a random stranger I do not know of, I really won’t be able to bring myself to care enough to stop supporting him because it really does not matter to me if people I do not know of, die.

Jarvuy [#21]

but would you not understand the fact that I’m supporting the person specifically because of something he is good in while not caring about things he’s done which has nothing to do with the reason I support him for?

you can also just say they are good at the game and leave it at that, why would you choose to support a bad person?

Jarvuy [#27]

No I would not because that’s getting personal. But if he kills a random stranger I do not know of, I really won’t be able to bring myself to care enough to stop supporting him because it really does not matter to me if people I do not know of, die.

ok now this is getting really bad. i think you should reflect and realise that "wait, that person could have been me/friends/family"

Jarvuy [#27]

No I would not because that’s getting personal. But if he kills a random stranger I do not know of, I really won’t be able to bring myself to care enough to stop supporting him because it really does not matter to me if people I do not know of, die.

bro is just fundamentally a bad human

Jarvuy [#27]

No I would not because that’s getting personal. But if he kills a random stranger I do not know of, I really won’t be able to bring myself to care enough to stop supporting him because it really does not matter to me if people I do not know of, die.

a lack of empathy is nothing to be proud of buddy

Jarvuy [#27]

No I would not because that’s getting personal. But if he kills a random stranger I do not know of, I really won’t be able to bring myself to care enough to stop supporting him because it really does not matter to me if people I do not know of, die.

Do you genuinely just have some kind of anti-social personality disorder or something? Because not caring if other people are murdered just because you do not know them is not normal and kind of concerning

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