or maybe the players should just change their polling rate from 8k because you can't even tell the difference between 2k and 4k, let alone 8k. And thats at a 540 Hz monitor, Bangkok monitors were only 240.
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | March 26, 2024 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 12:58 AM |
Posts: | 77 |
or maybe the players should just change their polling rate from 8k because you can't even tell the difference between 2k and 4k, let alone 8k. And thats at a 540 Hz monitor, Bangkok monitors were only 240.
Only a little fucking disingenuous to pull "holiday dates" that start on the 23rd when the 21st and 22nd were the weekend. Like yeah, they aren't listed as days off because they have them off already
crazy that you can ace diff eq and you're just out here posting on vlr. That shit actually fucked me in undergrad. I'm doing my masters rn and still nothing has been as bad as that
If every single player is "massively underperforming" maybe the team is just not good...
yes s0m is very good, but he's not good enough to be worth playing every single round as a 4v5. So if he is going to insist on only playing with fns, I think you need to drop them
could be a chinese client thing though, like that same game we dont get kast or rating.
I think its pretty obvious that's the case, they were playing to win while other teams were just experimenting. Like they ran their real comps on haven and abyss
babysasuke actually cooking for once, lfg
I have to agree with this part at least. Its not that sen doesn't have decent fans, probably by sheer numbers they have more fans with brains than a lot of teams. But sen just attracts ALL of the brainded vct viewers. The constant sacy slander was insane and just showed those "fans" didn't understand valorant at all
Yeah I think they were also still paying SicK for a while so he could get help
Depends a lot on if SEN can just outaim them and string together enough hero rounds to get momentum. 35 or 40% chance maybe. Even a SEN supporter I can say it's definitely not even
I still believe. I really want them to get international experience, but pacific is probably the toughest region to qualify in this year.
C9 and NRG over 100T is actually insane. Bro even forgot EG exists too
Based. I've been glazing this guy too long for him to not get the recognition
SEN but I also support DFM and PRX. I'll switch if DFM makes an international or PRX wins one
no u aren't swinging after a drone, thats the point.....
their util isnt the same tho, a bit hard to swing after a dog when ur carrying an odin
Youre right about shroud, but saying s1mple is in the conversation for esports goat is an absolutely awful take. Its either Faker or Flash and nobody is even remotely close to them.
Listening to Taylor Swift is pretty much the definition of not having a personality lol, idc about whatever he listens to tho
sure it was a little exaggeration but cmon now, 2-2 on maps vs. Zeta & beating Fennel (yes they did beat FUT ik) is not the same as beating Fnatic, TH and 2-0ing G2.
fair point but it's a bit of a different situation, no? Haodong was still with the team as AC and nobody(the player) had been with the team for a couple years, I imagine that it wasn't a huge transition in terms of calling
Mainly because its a pattern of behavior by the org of dropping players last minute. Its on the org/coach to assemble a winning team, if the players cant handle their differences, even when it means success that the org has never really reached, it says something about the team culture imo.
Also idk how this move isn't fucking their entire season lmao, dropping your igl a month and a half away from kickoff is a textbook example of that
No, there really isn't, and that's the problem. When the players have the amount of power that they can get guys kicked off of "vibes" and there's no incentive/pressure for these players to win (see: Xeppaa paycheck stealing since fucking 2021), they are just going to go full nepotism and comfort instead of constructing a winning roster that might be uncomfortable at times
its kinda fucked up to joke about, so I dont think so. Like obviously everyone is gonna flame xeppa now, I dont think someone whos actually friends with him would do that
wait hes got neither? that's actually mental. And this dude has the gall to bitch nonstop about the state of the game. Like no shit your games aren't fun when you are basically begging to be sniped
Silver imo, gold and bronze also to an extent. Plat & diamond arent that bad
I like Tenz but dude has always had the dumbest takes.
what the fuck are you yapping about? PRX only dropped maps to SEN last year, apparently masters + top 4 at champs is mid lmao
Idk if this is the best pickup for the team. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the opportunity and all, but I'm like plat 2 peak
.245 @ 1600
viper ultimate
I agree, she should only not have the stafing speed reduced when ulted. Would be a nerf for the braindead players but skilled players can still do movement tech. And would keep her ult from being terrible again
LMAO take the L bro, tbh your post was filled with ignorance that a few simple google searches could fix.
19th amendment was in 1919 lil bro, stop yapping if you cant even count. stopped reading there
Yeah, as a certified miniboo hater, even I gotta say this was a bad time to post this
The emea glaze (and pacific hate) is insane. Miniboo doesn't belong in any top 5 list besides top 5 paycheck thieves.
I really want to see how many viewers the game gets. A korean team in their own timezone vs Sentinels in champs playoffs for the first time ever. Could be massive
Idk about the conclusion that they should be grinding ranked necessarily (aimlabs/a real aim training regimen might be more time efficient). But yeah if you aren't clearing immortal players as a pro, you forsure need to work on mechanics. Thats not even a question to me.
Alecks talked about it a bit in his interview, they definitely overcooked a bit. I kinda see it similar to sacy playing sova on icebox yesterday. Just standard agent stuff with players comfortable on the agents. And I think that for both PRX and SEN, the players are that much more mechanically talented than their opposition to where they can give up potential strategy equity to play it safe and not risk their comp shitting itself.
Pretty sure by rules they are allowed (1v2, members on opposite side of the bracket) but Riot rigging it to not happen to increase viewership wouldn't shock me. Nor would I really mind tbh
ethan/eeiu, meiy, primmie, tenz
Gotcha, that makes sense. I'd consider adding a legend for the stars and the green/yellow dots maybe in the empty space on the right or something.
Only other requests I'd have would be adding some more Neon stuff, and then obviously the googly eyes crosshair.
Also if you want any help with the yt issue or anything, I'm currently getting my masters in cs and I wouldnt mind doing a little webdev for some resume credit lol
Nice work, this is pretty cool! Just curious what the significance of the star on some of the lineups is?
Also sometimes on selecting a lineup, there's a "This video is unavailable" message, but it gets fixed on refresh (probably an async issue?).
Lmao am I really seeing that flag defend abusers/sexual assault? Is this a parody account?
Heretics is an English speaking team, and currently have no imports. They could get nearly anyone in the world to play duelist for them (ignoring that they already have woot) and instead they choose a nepo hire. Crazy shit
Right here buddy. 58% ksat, 3-6 fk/d on jett lmao. King of inting
Wait really?? I thought that was just about the HLTV article. Thats actually hilarious if thats true, what a disaster org
lmao don't get me wrong I dont think they are a BAD team, I just dont see them as a top contender like I believe they could be
Okay how about "He needs to fix his terrible mental, learn how to play neon with 2 slides but only 1 stun, and expand his duelist pool beyond 2 agents". Is that constructive enough?