The second people hit the top 1.2-.5% of this game they instantly form a toxic ego that refuses to let them acknowledge they are the problem.
Its my Immortal rank up. We have a deadlock and a clove, I'm playing phoenix. Map is sunset. First round we win, second we lose because 3 of us ran down mid with no comms and gave the other team rifles. I comm in voice chat "lets try going A instead of rushing mid and I can get my ult from the orb". Legit nothing negative, but my two teamates respond with "stfu sh*tcan, i smurf your peak r****d" and then instantly turn off comms and run it down mid the whole game. Towards the end, they turn comms back on and legit start yapping about how if they were in their prime rn they would be radiant but they just don't care about the game anymore. Mind you their account levels were like 450+.
I just don't understand what makes a person be this way for absolutely no reason, besides I hurt their big ass ego. And why waste everyones time playing the game if you don't care anymore. This elo range from Asc 2 - Immortal 2 is almost impossible to solo queue out of because of toxic teammates.