Top 20 Champs Players Predictions

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These are my predictions for who the top 20 players will be, based on current form plus some guesses on who will perform better than they did in Split 2. Justifications given for players I wanted to talk about a bit.

  1. t3xture
  2. aspas
  3. Karon

    Undisputed GOAT controller rn.

  4. something

    This dude has been absolutely monstrous, the only real bright spot in a shaky year for PRX. He turns up at all times, and even though he won't be able to carry PRX to a finals, he's gonna go off individually like he did last year.

  5. JonahP

    I don't know how this dude is still so underrated, he's the best player on G2 with some absolutely ridiculous game sense, aim, and utility usage.

  6. RieNs

    Dude carried Heretics in the latter half of this split and has always been the consistent member of this squad.

  7. TenZ

    SEN look off but TenZ doesn't, he's still playing great on an individual level and he'll continue that at Champs.

  8. primmie

    Alright, hear me out. Primmie came in very late and showed huge potential. Now that he's got time to adjust and get used to the team and how people play in pro, I think his individual ability is going to look so insane. He definitely has that ability to take over a game and dominate the scoreline. Ranked demon will finally get his time to shine.

  9. Sayf
  10. Meteor

    MVP of Shanghai and always turns up when it matters.

  11. Chronicle
  12. Wo0t

    He's had a rough later split, but we've seen the heights that Wo0t can go to. He'll be back at Champs with a vengeance (tamed because he's not playing duelist, but great nonetheless).

  13. Flashback

    I think Flashback is criminally underrated, he's been the best player for DRX when they looked shaky. I think he's the best player on the team (maybe not as flashy as BuZz).

  14. Derke

    Might be a bit low, but I think FNC has lots of great individuals that can mask one another. Very good player regardless.

  15. ZmjjKK

    He's so back at Seoul.

  16. valyn

    Probably the best IGL in the world rn. I think he will be tempered a bit at Champs but will still play ridiculously well.

  17. trexx

    Easily has been the second-best player for Vitality, and at many times has been the best. Ridiculous utility usage on the Sova.

  18. zekken

    Zekken's had a rough past two matches but that can make it easy to forget that he's still an insanely strong duelist. While I don't think SEN will perform to the heights that they did at Madrid (or even beginning of Split 2), I think zekken will still be a strong duelist for this team

  19. kiNgg

    I switched between Mako and kiNgg for this spot for a while, but I think I have to give credit to kiNgg for how good he's made this Leviatan team look in this second split. I'm a little bit of a LEV doubter for Seoul, so other people will probably have him higher, but I still think he's a great caller and has huge potential.

  20. Mako

HM: Alfajer, d4v41, f0rsaken, hiro, Lakia of Valorant, BuZz


Sayf gotta be higher imo. Good list tho


I don't know about order but good to see mako, flashback, and primmie


Might be crazy but I rate Trexx higher than Sayf


No Mazino is crazy
He hard carried LEV in americas final


you aren't spoiling anything lil bro


primmie above Sayf n Chronicle? alr bro


I don't know where these JonahP performances started coming from. I remember him having a number of bad series earlier in the year but he's been killing it every time I see him now. Definitely a top player going into champs.


Primmie over Zekken nice one dumbass


Kangkang owns all ur frauds


It's a crime to skip fnatic's best player and put Derke and Chronicle on the list.


Just log off dude and never come back. Mako > Karon and Alfajer is Top3 in the World.

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