Im not gonna say its over because 9-3 on split CT side is winnable, but this is EU's #1 seed? LMAOOO EU quiet now unlucky mate.
wanted [#4]TSM fans are the worst
ahh as soon as i say something its because im a "TSM fan" LMAO, EU fans have been talking shit since the first map
Crackyoudown [#5]crazy raccoons is better than TSM please
probably, we suck. But at least Im not delusional
BadValoPlayer [#8]So much trash talk after the first map, and no EU fans talking now? ENVY beats BR, Sentinels beats EU, 100T beats EU.
LMFAO, EU's top team? OOF
100T will probably still lose tbh, but its just funny they were talking so much shit as if they were gonna destroy
wanted [#14]im just sick of tsm fans. some of them are so annoying LOL
Every over the top fan is annoying. TSM fans can be, sen fans can, liquid, g2, etc. Just bringing up a persons team without it being relevant to the post, is moronic.